Taiwanese boy says he was blocked on Chinese TikTok for calling Xi Jinping 'fat'

A Taiwanese boy said he was banned from the Chinese version of TikTok, Douyin, for calling President Xi Jinping "fat".

What Happened: In a YouTube video, Taiwanese-Canadian Daniel Ku was seen asking several Taiwanese citizens for their opinion on the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hua Chunyin, who emphasized the theory of one nation using gastronomy. connections.

Chunyin previously said in a tweet that since Baidu Maps shows many dumpling and noodle restaurants in Taipei, "Taiwan has always been part of China."

"Plates don't cheat. Taiwan has always been part of China. The long-lost child will eventually return home."

See also: China changes ending of latest 'Minions' movie to convey pleasant social message

In response, the young Taiwanese boy said Chinese propagandists were "probably saying nonsense".

The interviewer then moved his question and asked if Douyin's videos often mention Taiwan or Hua's restaurant theory. The boy smiled and in response said, "My TikTok account has been banned."

He added that China's short video platform had locked his account after casually posting, "Chinese Xi Jinping is a fat man."

Meanwhile, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has warned Beijing that she will pay "a heavy price will be paid for invading or attempting to invade Taiwan".

Find out more Benzinga coverage in Europe and Asia innext < em class="core-block">this link.

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Taiwanese boy says he was blocked on Chinese TikTok for calling Xi Jinping 'fat'

A Taiwanese boy said he was banned from the Chinese version of TikTok, Douyin, for calling President Xi Jinping "fat".

What Happened: In a YouTube video, Taiwanese-Canadian Daniel Ku was seen asking several Taiwanese citizens for their opinion on the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hua Chunyin, who emphasized the theory of one nation using gastronomy. connections.

Chunyin previously said in a tweet that since Baidu Maps shows many dumpling and noodle restaurants in Taipei, "Taiwan has always been part of China."

"Plates don't cheat. Taiwan has always been part of China. The long-lost child will eventually return home."

See also: China changes ending of latest 'Minions' movie to convey pleasant social message

In response, the young Taiwanese boy said Chinese propagandists were "probably saying nonsense".

The interviewer then moved his question and asked if Douyin's videos often mention Taiwan or Hua's restaurant theory. The boy smiled and in response said, "My TikTok account has been banned."

He added that China's short video platform had locked his account after casually posting, "Chinese Xi Jinping is a fat man."

Meanwhile, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has warned Beijing that she will pay "a heavy price will be paid for invading or attempting to invade Taiwan".

Find out more Benzinga coverage in Europe and Asia innext < em class="core-block">this link.

Ad Disclosure: Rate information is obtained by Bankrate from listed institutions. Bankrate cannot guarantee the accuracy or availability of the rates shown above. Institutions may have different rates on their own websites than those displayed on Bankrate.com. The listings that appear on this page are from companies that this website receives compensation from, which may impact how, where and in which order products appear. This table does not include all companies or products available.

All rates are subject to change without notice and may vary by location. These quotes are from banks, savings and credit unions, some of which have paid for a link to their own websites where you can find additional information. Those who have a paid link are our Advertisers. Those without a paid link are listings we obtain to enhance consumers' shopping experience and are not advertisers. To receive the Bankrate.com rate from an advertiser, please identify yourself as a Bankrate customer. Bank and savings deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Credit union deposits are insured by the National Credit Union Administration.

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Collection and Pricing Criteria: Click here for more information on the co...

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