The bizarre island that is French half the year and Spanish the other

Revealed: The strange uninhabited island that's French half the year...and Spanish the other half. 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees READ MORE: My magical train journey along the Harry Potter Viaduct in Scotland

Pheasant Island, an uninhabited island that lies on the Bidasoa River along the border between France and Spain, is French for half the year, while for the other half it belongs to Spain.

Since the mid-17th century, the island, which is 200m long and 40m wide, has been ruled by Spain from February 1 to July 31, when it is handed over to the French, who rule the island August 1 to January 31.

How did the situation come about? In 1659, the island - considered a neutral space - hosted the signing of the Treaty of the Pyrenees, a peace treaty between Louis XIV of France and Philip IV of Spain that ended the Franco-Spanish war that began in 1635.

As part of the treaty, it was decided that the two countries would alternate command of the island, making it a "condominium " - a territory over which several states share equal authority.

The bizarre island that is French half the year and Spanish the other
Revealed: The strange uninhabited island that's French half the year...and Spanish the other half. 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees READ MORE: My magical train journey along the Harry Potter Viaduct in Scotland

Pheasant Island, an uninhabited island that lies on the Bidasoa River along the border between France and Spain, is French for half the year, while for the other half it belongs to Spain.

Since the mid-17th century, the island, which is 200m long and 40m wide, has been ruled by Spain from February 1 to July 31, when it is handed over to the French, who rule the island August 1 to January 31.

How did the situation come about? In 1659, the island - considered a neutral space - hosted the signing of the Treaty of the Pyrenees, a peace treaty between Louis XIV of France and Philip IV of Spain that ended the Franco-Spanish war that began in 1635.

As part of the treaty, it was decided that the two countries would alternate command of the island, making it a "condominium " - a territory over which several states share equal authority.

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