The legendary Ritz Paris bartender's many mixology treasures are up for auction

THE secret has be A GOOD bartender, according to has Colin Field? "People must feel your presence When You are In THE bar," he tell Vogue. "When A GOOD bartender walks In A bar, everyone opinion. GOOD bartenders are the animators, they are Fairgrounds!

Field would be know: as THE charismatic ancient head bartender of THE Bar Hemingway has THE Ritz Paris, undoubtedly THE most star watering hole In THE world - for three decades he do drinks For everyone Since Bruce Willis has pierce Brosnan. (Brosnan, he confirmed, love A dry martini just as James Bind: "'I request him how he was And he said 'Perfect, Colin. In My own little head, I was In A Bind movie For five seconds," he said.) Forbes appointed him as THE of the world best bartender In 1997, 2001, And 2004. In the meantime, In 2011, he created THE of the world First of all advance degree For bartenders In France has Sorbonne University. He East Also credited with invent THE Kate 76 (vodka, grapefruit juice, And Inspired by Champagne by A of her favorite patrons, Kate Mousse) as GOOD as THE To do the housework Dirty Martini.

When he announcement her decision has withdraw In 2023, odes flooded In Since all corners of THE world, deploring THE loss of THE charismatic cocktail maker. "For almost 30 years, THE Bar Hemingway, A 34 places, oak paneled refuge In THE Ritz Paris, has has been A destination For discerning The Parisians And hotel guests In research of A Perfect drink prepared by Colin Field, A jovial British considered as A of THE of the world the biggest bartenders, » wrote THE New York Times. Mousse se gave A quote has THE paper, saying Field "makes just THE RIGHT Rising of hustle on You has TO DO You feel special, And as You are THE only customer In THE bedroom. »

And What A bedroom he was: only 34 seats, Field took great care has TO DO Of course THE atmosphere of THE bar lived up has It is historical threshing. He thoroughly decorated THE bar historical walls with Ernest On the theme of Hemingway memories, including A fishing pole that Hemingway son, Jack, help him hang - and took great care with THE crystal And barware he used.

NOW, You can take House A little of Bar Hemingway along with You. This winter, Christie's will auction disabled A number of items Since The fields staff collection In A sale title “Colin Rock The fields Treasures: THE Collection of The Ritz Bar Hemingway ancient Bartender." There is A pair of leather boxing gloves (A ode has Hemingway a lot bar fighting), as GOOD as A collection of antique typewriters: all along her mandate, Field would be leave out typewriters For bar regulars has to write letters And continue THE bar rich literary heritage. (A was A gift Since Mousse herself.)

The legendary Ritz Paris bartender's many mixology treasures are up for auction

THE secret has be A GOOD bartender, according to has Colin Field? "People must feel your presence When You are In THE bar," he tell Vogue. "When A GOOD bartender walks In A bar, everyone opinion. GOOD bartenders are the animators, they are Fairgrounds!

Field would be know: as THE charismatic ancient head bartender of THE Bar Hemingway has THE Ritz Paris, undoubtedly THE most star watering hole In THE world - for three decades he do drinks For everyone Since Bruce Willis has pierce Brosnan. (Brosnan, he confirmed, love A dry martini just as James Bind: "'I request him how he was And he said 'Perfect, Colin. In My own little head, I was In A Bind movie For five seconds," he said.) Forbes appointed him as THE of the world best bartender In 1997, 2001, And 2004. In the meantime, In 2011, he created THE of the world First of all advance degree For bartenders In France has Sorbonne University. He East Also credited with invent THE Kate 76 (vodka, grapefruit juice, And Inspired by Champagne by A of her favorite patrons, Kate Mousse) as GOOD as THE To do the housework Dirty Martini.

When he announcement her decision has withdraw In 2023, odes flooded In Since all corners of THE world, deploring THE loss of THE charismatic cocktail maker. "For almost 30 years, THE Bar Hemingway, A 34 places, oak paneled refuge In THE Ritz Paris, has has been A destination For discerning The Parisians And hotel guests In research of A Perfect drink prepared by Colin Field, A jovial British considered as A of THE of the world the biggest bartenders, » wrote THE New York Times. Mousse se gave A quote has THE paper, saying Field "makes just THE RIGHT Rising of hustle on You has TO DO You feel special, And as You are THE only customer In THE bedroom. »

And What A bedroom he was: only 34 seats, Field took great care has TO DO Of course THE atmosphere of THE bar lived up has It is historical threshing. He thoroughly decorated THE bar historical walls with Ernest On the theme of Hemingway memories, including A fishing pole that Hemingway son, Jack, help him hang - and took great care with THE crystal And barware he used.

NOW, You can take House A little of Bar Hemingway along with You. This winter, Christie's will auction disabled A number of items Since The fields staff collection In A sale title “Colin Rock The fields Treasures: THE Collection of The Ritz Bar Hemingway ancient Bartender." There is A pair of leather boxing gloves (A ode has Hemingway a lot bar fighting), as GOOD as A collection of antique typewriters: all along her mandate, Field would be leave out typewriters For bar regulars has to write letters And continue THE bar rich literary heritage. (A was A gift Since Mousse herself.)

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