The Rise and Fall of Ina Garten's Barefoot Contessa Store

In a Garten's love For food Appointment back has her childhood. But She revealed In A Epicurean Interview that her parents discouraged her Since cooking. She recalled, "I always research has cook with My Mom, but She would be say, 'It is your job has study And My job has cook.'" Therefore, Garden studied economy In college and landed A job as A nuclear budget analyst For THE administrations of Gerald Ford And Jimmy Carter. He was A prestigious job, but he LEFT Garden dissatisfied.


During This time, Garden married her husband, Jeffrey, WHO would be go on has become her co-star of kinds, frequently appearing on her Food Network to show has appreciate A meal together. He help to feed her love of cooking, And together they took A journey through Europe, which Next inspired Garden has master THE recipes of her idol, Julia Child (THE two share A hate of coriander). Garden accomplished that food was her TRUE call And began look For A path out of government.

In 1978, fate balance In her service. Garden saw A announcement In THE New York Times For A speciality food store For sale In THE Hamptons. She drove out has see he — having Never even has been has THE Hamptons Before — And do A offer on THE place. However She expected has be turned down, her offer was accepted, And THE business was his.


The Rise and Fall of Ina Garten's Barefoot Contessa Store

In a Garten's love For food Appointment back has her childhood. But She revealed In A Epicurean Interview that her parents discouraged her Since cooking. She recalled, "I always research has cook with My Mom, but She would be say, 'It is your job has study And My job has cook.'" Therefore, Garden studied economy In college and landed A job as A nuclear budget analyst For THE administrations of Gerald Ford And Jimmy Carter. He was A prestigious job, but he LEFT Garden dissatisfied.


During This time, Garden married her husband, Jeffrey, WHO would be go on has become her co-star of kinds, frequently appearing on her Food Network to show has appreciate A meal together. He help to feed her love of cooking, And together they took A journey through Europe, which Next inspired Garden has master THE recipes of her idol, Julia Child (THE two share A hate of coriander). Garden accomplished that food was her TRUE call And began look For A path out of government.

In 1978, fate balance In her service. Garden saw A announcement In THE New York Times For A speciality food store For sale In THE Hamptons. She drove out has see he — having Never even has been has THE Hamptons Before — And do A offer on THE place. However She expected has be turned down, her offer was accepted, And THE business was his.


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