The tech magic that unleashed your best

Our readers tell us about the surprising ways technology has helped them discover new worlds.

< figure class="sizeMedium css-mnvusp" aria-label="media" role="group" data-testid="VideoBlock">VideoCinemagraphCreditCredit...By Loulou João

Last week, our On Tech Editor, Hanna Ingber, shared the story of her child who stumbled upon a design app that revealed her incredible taste for interiors. We asked for your own stories of the surprising ways technology has helped you unleash your creativity or discover new joys.

You guys (sniff), the responses were adorable. We're sharing a selection of them today.

On Tech's mission is to explore the ways technology is changing the way we live, who we are, and the way we live. world around us. We can't ignore the harmful effects, but I don't want us to lose sight of the wonder either.

How cool that we can share with Parenting knowledge gleaned online or easily swap songs from our favorite decade? Also, BIRDS! The birds are so big. Here are edited excerpts of what some On Tech readers had to say:

Image Credit...Loulou João

Enjoy the magic of birds in a daily task:

My morning walk down the aisle to retrieve the newspaper was transformed by the Merlin Bird ID app.

The tech magic that unleashed your best

Our readers tell us about the surprising ways technology has helped them discover new worlds.

< figure class="sizeMedium css-mnvusp" aria-label="media" role="group" data-testid="VideoBlock">VideoCinemagraphCreditCredit...By Loulou João

Last week, our On Tech Editor, Hanna Ingber, shared the story of her child who stumbled upon a design app that revealed her incredible taste for interiors. We asked for your own stories of the surprising ways technology has helped you unleash your creativity or discover new joys.

You guys (sniff), the responses were adorable. We're sharing a selection of them today.

On Tech's mission is to explore the ways technology is changing the way we live, who we are, and the way we live. world around us. We can't ignore the harmful effects, but I don't want us to lose sight of the wonder either.

How cool that we can share with Parenting knowledge gleaned online or easily swap songs from our favorite decade? Also, BIRDS! The birds are so big. Here are edited excerpts of what some On Tech readers had to say:

Image Credit...Loulou João

Enjoy the magic of birds in a daily task:

My morning walk down the aisle to retrieve the newspaper was transformed by the Merlin Bird ID app.

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