Thomasina Miers Recipe for Black Bean Enfrijoladas | The new flexitarian

Enfrijoladas are enchiladas smothered in bean sauce and are typical of the Oaxaca region of Mexico; they're also one of many ingenious ways to use up leftover corn tortillas. I love cooking beans from scratch, both for quality and affordability, but if you're pressed for time, use canned ones instead. To go ahead, arrange the enfrijoladas in a casserole and, when you want to eat, cook them for half an hour, sprinkle with feta and pico de gallo, and serve.

Black bean enfrijoladas

The simple, bright salsa cuts through the rich black beans, while the feta adds a nice salty flavor. You can use 250g of spinach instead of Swiss chard.

Soak overnightPrepare 20 minCook 1-2 hours Serves 4-6

45g butter2 white onions, peeled and minced1 tsp chipotle adobo2 bay leaves2 tsp cider vinegar180g Swiss chard, stems and leaves separated, both chopped Oil10 x 12 cm corn tortillas150g feta, crumbled250g mozzarella, torn1 small bunch cilantro, leaves picked and coarsely chopped3-4 radishes, very thinly sliced

For the beans6 large cloves of garlic peeled, 2 crushed with the flat of a knife, 4 finely chopped dry black beans 300g, soaked overnight (or 2 x 400g canned black beans, drained and added after frying the onions) ½ star anise (or 1 tsp dried hoja santa) Salt and black pepper

For the pico de gallo 1 small peeled white onion 3 medium tomatoes 1 red chili pepper Juice of 1 lime

Soak the dried beans overnight in cold water, then drain them, put them in a large pot and add enough water to cover at least 8 cm. Add the two crushed garlic cloves and the star anise, bring to a boil, lower the heat and cook for one to two hours, until tender (time will depend on the age of the beans) ; skim off any foam that rises to the surface during cooking. When the beans start to get soft, season with a heaped teaspoon of sea salt. Drain, reserving the cooking broth.

When the beans are cooked, heat the butter in a heavy-bottomed pan and, when it foams gently, add the onion , the four finely chopped garlic cloves, chard stalks, bay leaves and chipotle. Season well, then sweat gently, stirring often, for about 10 minutes, until tender.

Transfer half the onion mixture to a large bowl and add half the cooked beans (or drained canned beans, if using). Put the remaining cooked beans (or canned beans) into the remaining onion mixture in the pan, add 400ml of water (or bean cooking liquid) and the cider vinegar, then, to the Using an immersion blender, blend until smooth, loosening with more cooking liquid from the beans or water until it has the consistency of heavy cream. Adjust seasoning to taste and keep warm.

Place the reserved whole bean and onion mixture in a saucepan, heat gently so the beans hold their shape, then stir in the chard leaves and cook until tender. may they wither.

For the pic de gallo, finely chop the onions, tomatoes and chilli, and stir in the lime juice.

In the microwave or in a low oven, soften the tortillas for a minute, then dip each one in the bean puree (that piece is messy, but trust me, it tastes amazing). Fill each tortilla with a layer of the whole bean mixture, a crumble of feta and a few tears of mozzarella. Fold the tortilla over to enclose the filling, place on plates and serve with more feta, pico de gallo, sliced ​​radishes and a little cilantro.

The simple flex

Instead of filling enfrijoladas with cheese, make a cashew cream with soaked cashews, chilli, and fresh lime juice, and use that instead.

Thomasina Miers Recipe for Black Bean Enfrijoladas | The new flexitarian

Enfrijoladas are enchiladas smothered in bean sauce and are typical of the Oaxaca region of Mexico; they're also one of many ingenious ways to use up leftover corn tortillas. I love cooking beans from scratch, both for quality and affordability, but if you're pressed for time, use canned ones instead. To go ahead, arrange the enfrijoladas in a casserole and, when you want to eat, cook them for half an hour, sprinkle with feta and pico de gallo, and serve.

Black bean enfrijoladas

The simple, bright salsa cuts through the rich black beans, while the feta adds a nice salty flavor. You can use 250g of spinach instead of Swiss chard.

Soak overnightPrepare 20 minCook 1-2 hours Serves 4-6

45g butter2 white onions, peeled and minced1 tsp chipotle adobo2 bay leaves2 tsp cider vinegar180g Swiss chard, stems and leaves separated, both chopped Oil10 x 12 cm corn tortillas150g feta, crumbled250g mozzarella, torn1 small bunch cilantro, leaves picked and coarsely chopped3-4 radishes, very thinly sliced

For the beans6 large cloves of garlic peeled, 2 crushed with the flat of a knife, 4 finely chopped dry black beans 300g, soaked overnight (or 2 x 400g canned black beans, drained and added after frying the onions) ½ star anise (or 1 tsp dried hoja santa) Salt and black pepper

For the pico de gallo 1 small peeled white onion 3 medium tomatoes 1 red chili pepper Juice of 1 lime

Soak the dried beans overnight in cold water, then drain them, put them in a large pot and add enough water to cover at least 8 cm. Add the two crushed garlic cloves and the star anise, bring to a boil, lower the heat and cook for one to two hours, until tender (time will depend on the age of the beans) ; skim off any foam that rises to the surface during cooking. When the beans start to get soft, season with a heaped teaspoon of sea salt. Drain, reserving the cooking broth.

When the beans are cooked, heat the butter in a heavy-bottomed pan and, when it foams gently, add the onion , the four finely chopped garlic cloves, chard stalks, bay leaves and chipotle. Season well, then sweat gently, stirring often, for about 10 minutes, until tender.

Transfer half the onion mixture to a large bowl and add half the cooked beans (or drained canned beans, if using). Put the remaining cooked beans (or canned beans) into the remaining onion mixture in the pan, add 400ml of water (or bean cooking liquid) and the cider vinegar, then, to the Using an immersion blender, blend until smooth, loosening with more cooking liquid from the beans or water until it has the consistency of heavy cream. Adjust seasoning to taste and keep warm.

Place the reserved whole bean and onion mixture in a saucepan, heat gently so the beans hold their shape, then stir in the chard leaves and cook until tender. may they wither.

For the pic de gallo, finely chop the onions, tomatoes and chilli, and stir in the lime juice.

In the microwave or in a low oven, soften the tortillas for a minute, then dip each one in the bean puree (that piece is messy, but trust me, it tastes amazing). Fill each tortilla with a layer of the whole bean mixture, a crumble of feta and a few tears of mozzarella. Fold the tortilla over to enclose the filling, place on plates and serve with more feta, pico de gallo, sliced ​​radishes and a little cilantro.

The simple flex

Instead of filling enfrijoladas with cheese, make a cashew cream with soaked cashews, chilli, and fresh lime juice, and use that instead.

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