Tinubu's economic policy is bold, but lacks adequate planning, says APC leader

Gbenga Akinwande East A clan leader of All Progressives Congress (APC) In Ogun State. THE ancient Home of Representatives aspiring speak with IFEDAYO OGUNYEMI on THE State of THE country, What President Bolas Tinubu can TO DO has relaunch THE economy And other problems.

YOU recently appeals has THE national direction of APC has area THE Ogun State governorship ticket of THE to party has Ogun West In 2027, TO DO You think other senatorial districts will accept has that?

THE thought In Ogun State Today East that there East A need For diversity In direction. This feeling East more pronounced In Ogun East And Ogun Central because they believe that they to have has been has THE corridor of power of Ogun State For on three decades. As A result, power, according to has their reasoning, must change has Ogun West. THE people of Ogun East And Ogun Central are people WHO admire justice, equity, And Fair play, And they themselves are rooting For power rotation has Ogun West. So, THE only obstacle has Ogun that of the West suction In 2027 East disunity among Ogun Westerners themselves.

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You are known as A socioeconomic activist, What, In your see, East THE path out of THE current economic dead end In THE country?

Before has President Tinubu inauguration, I do a few projecting suggestions has THE SO president-elect on THE need has run THE nation as A socioeconomic business instead that A business business. What informed My suggestion SO was THE deep poverty In THE country, which was do more frequent by THE Strategies And administrative style of THE SO outgoing government. There East No doubt that deletion of fuel grant East necessary, but THE issue East that he was not correctly foreseen, And THE Implementation was inappropriate. HAS THE best of My understanding, This economic tests will continue For A while, but he will help THE country In THE long run. While This economic tests keep on going, he East relevant For THE government has create relief programs as in force In western democracies as suggested In My earlier interview with Sunday Tribune In April 2023.

There East A unexpected global recession currently going on, which East THE job economic effect of THE COVID-19 debacle, coupled with Russia-Ukraine And Israel-Hamas wars. SO, THE economic slowdowns In Nigeria will be For A while. I will suggest that THE president restructuring her government by reassignment six ministers of States among her current ministers; A minister of State each For all THE six Regions In THE country. These ministers should to relocate has THE Headquarter of their respective Regions And work along with THE governors there. THE Tasks Before THE ministers will be has improve security And has relaunch THE economy of their Regions base on THE economic powers of these Regions as has independence In 1960. For example, relaunch THE cocoa And coffee planting In THE South West, THE Peanut pyramid In THE North, And THE palm core planting In THE East. While these ministers are functioning diligently has their respective Regions, THE president And her other teams In Abuja could to focus on THE oil And other areas of THE economy. This idea, if implemented, will help THE country very because there are Also a lot people In OUR urban centers due has THE Exodus of people Since rural areas has THE city And cities, WHO are research For jobs And survival.

How SO can President Tinubu help develop Nigeria economy?

As declared earlier, We are In For A difficult time, And he will take A long time Before THE economy can to recover. What THE president has do SO far East bold And brave, but not correctly foreseen And inappropriate. What We need has TO DO as citizens East has come together, pray For THE government; We all need has work hard And endure THE suffering For A while. I to have once informed President Tinubu has run THE country as A socioeconomic business, involving A from bottom to top approach of direction And economic Strategies. I further underlines THE need has open job centers through THE 774 local government areas with has less A minimum of three centers In each LGA. THE job centers will be able has collate data of THE most vulnerable In OUR Company, put citizens on job training, And provide economic stimulus has people And companies that are in trouble the most.

I think President Tinubu must reverse a few of THE Strategies do SO far, particularly THE essence grant deletion, And constitute A price control mechanism has stop THE prices of basic products And stranger exchange rates Since to skyrocket. He East Also important has open all THE to land borders has allow influx of food In THE country. He makes No sense For people has be smut...

Tinubu's economic policy is bold, but lacks adequate planning, says APC leader

Gbenga Akinwande East A clan leader of All Progressives Congress (APC) In Ogun State. THE ancient Home of Representatives aspiring speak with IFEDAYO OGUNYEMI on THE State of THE country, What President Bolas Tinubu can TO DO has relaunch THE economy And other problems.

YOU recently appeals has THE national direction of APC has area THE Ogun State governorship ticket of THE to party has Ogun West In 2027, TO DO You think other senatorial districts will accept has that?

THE thought In Ogun State Today East that there East A need For diversity In direction. This feeling East more pronounced In Ogun East And Ogun Central because they believe that they to have has been has THE corridor of power of Ogun State For on three decades. As A result, power, according to has their reasoning, must change has Ogun West. THE people of Ogun East And Ogun Central are people WHO admire justice, equity, And Fair play, And they themselves are rooting For power rotation has Ogun West. So, THE only obstacle has Ogun that of the West suction In 2027 East disunity among Ogun Westerners themselves.

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You are known as A socioeconomic activist, What, In your see, East THE path out of THE current economic dead end In THE country?

Before has President Tinubu inauguration, I do a few projecting suggestions has THE SO president-elect on THE need has run THE nation as A socioeconomic business instead that A business business. What informed My suggestion SO was THE deep poverty In THE country, which was do more frequent by THE Strategies And administrative style of THE SO outgoing government. There East No doubt that deletion of fuel grant East necessary, but THE issue East that he was not correctly foreseen, And THE Implementation was inappropriate. HAS THE best of My understanding, This economic tests will continue For A while, but he will help THE country In THE long run. While This economic tests keep on going, he East relevant For THE government has create relief programs as in force In western democracies as suggested In My earlier interview with Sunday Tribune In April 2023.

There East A unexpected global recession currently going on, which East THE job economic effect of THE COVID-19 debacle, coupled with Russia-Ukraine And Israel-Hamas wars. SO, THE economic slowdowns In Nigeria will be For A while. I will suggest that THE president restructuring her government by reassignment six ministers of States among her current ministers; A minister of State each For all THE six Regions In THE country. These ministers should to relocate has THE Headquarter of their respective Regions And work along with THE governors there. THE Tasks Before THE ministers will be has improve security And has relaunch THE economy of their Regions base on THE economic powers of these Regions as has independence In 1960. For example, relaunch THE cocoa And coffee planting In THE South West, THE Peanut pyramid In THE North, And THE palm core planting In THE East. While these ministers are functioning diligently has their respective Regions, THE president And her other teams In Abuja could to focus on THE oil And other areas of THE economy. This idea, if implemented, will help THE country very because there are Also a lot people In OUR urban centers due has THE Exodus of people Since rural areas has THE city And cities, WHO are research For jobs And survival.

How SO can President Tinubu help develop Nigeria economy?

As declared earlier, We are In For A difficult time, And he will take A long time Before THE economy can to recover. What THE president has do SO far East bold And brave, but not correctly foreseen And inappropriate. What We need has TO DO as citizens East has come together, pray For THE government; We all need has work hard And endure THE suffering For A while. I to have once informed President Tinubu has run THE country as A socioeconomic business, involving A from bottom to top approach of direction And economic Strategies. I further underlines THE need has open job centers through THE 774 local government areas with has less A minimum of three centers In each LGA. THE job centers will be able has collate data of THE most vulnerable In OUR Company, put citizens on job training, And provide economic stimulus has people And companies that are in trouble the most.

I think President Tinubu must reverse a few of THE Strategies do SO far, particularly THE essence grant deletion, And constitute A price control mechanism has stop THE prices of basic products And stranger exchange rates Since to skyrocket. He East Also important has open all THE to land borders has allow influx of food In THE country. He makes No sense For people has be smut...

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