Understanding Nigeria and the global maritime industry

A goodbye of Moses that of Fadipe book, Nigeria And THE Global Maritime Industry by Patrick Osuji.

THE book East A compendium of activities In THE African And Nigerian maritime industry, retailer THE authors staff experience And observations extending more that 30 years as A practical administrator. THE book which East do up of 13 chapters East A complete view of activities that to have detained down THE maritime industry And solutions has improve THE situation.

Chapter A talks of THE Maritime Industry And Port Performance In Africa. Here THE author x-rays Africa place In THE global international walk place And role of THE maritime sector In ensure that THE continent remains A true competitor through THE movement of export And import of maritime goods.

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According to has him, while African international trade rests strongly on shipping And seaports, he East sad that It is share of global maritime trade turns pale In comparison with Asia, Latin America And THE Caribbean.

All these are as A result of THE the continent trade concentration And limit diversification brought about by lack of investments In maritime technology.

Chapter two East A complete preview of THE authors journey through THE maritime industry which begin Since her early years as Port Officer with THE Nigerian Shippers Advice (NSC) And her growth In THE organization bringing with he huge responsibilities that include THE establishment of THE Oyo State Area Desk of THE Nigerian Shippers Advice In Ibadan which he headed even as he was General secretary of THE Nigerian Shippers Advice bifurcate of THE Senior Staff Association of Statutory Companies And Government Possesses Companies (SSASCGOC).

Her Odyssey encompassed hectic official assignment of building bridges to answer interests of THE organization And personal.

Even When he was redeployed has THE Lagos Headquarter, THE author did not lower her view In contributing enormously towards improvement relationship between THE Nigerian Shippers Advice And all stakeholders In THE Nigerian maritime industry.

Chapter three takes A wider see of THE dynamic of global maritime trade has Nigeria. Here, THE author makes case For Nigeria has take advantage of her extensive littoral And embark on establishment A vibrant 'Blue Economy' For THE economic benefits of THE country. He maintained that THE maritime industry is holding immense importance For coastal countries In terms of economic growth, security, And generally development.

Even has that, he East relevant has note that while 80 percent of of the world merchandise East door by sea, THE shipping industry East always characterized by request And provide imbalances, volatile freight rates, environmental concerns, piracy And geopolitics risks among others.

THE author regrets that despite THE huge contributions of shipping has global trade, Nigeria remains A fringe player In THE maritime industry. This rigid reality East laid naked by THE do that more that 90 percent of Nigerian possesses shipping companies to have either close down operations Or are barely in trouble has survive.

This chapter Also takes THE drive In the reasons For establishment of Shippers Associations In Nigeria And other maritime nations.

Chapter four talks on 'THE Morality of Change In Maritime Industry', by which THE author counted the reasons For choose THE Nigerian Shippers Advice as Port Economic Regulator which Before SO was THE to put back of THE Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) until 2014.

Chapters five, six And Seven talks about THE Extended The roles of THE Nigerian Shippers Advice And establishment of THE Port Standing Stain Team (PSTT) which to put back East has monitor, impose And apply punishments Or necessary, OUR hope East has merge This function with THE Advice Act has become A unit In THE advice.

Inaugurated on March 3, 2021 THE Stain Team East has serve as THE operational outfit with A see has retrenchment responsibility And transparency, ensure compliance, as GOOD as promote integrity In THE maritime sector. He East outstanding has State that In 2021, more that 85 percent of ships that arrived has Nigerian ports And terminals deceased without meet extortion. Moreover, a lot illegal actions door out has THE ports by both State And non-state actors that embarrassed unhindered movement of Vehicles And people along THE ports' logistics ring were disturbed.

Chapter eight throws more light on activities of PSTT And It is extended mandate has to carry out necessary fight against corruption activities that would be help dismantle THE illegal networks responsible For THE traffic dead end In THE port area.


Understanding Nigeria and the global maritime industry

A goodbye of Moses that of Fadipe book, Nigeria And THE Global Maritime Industry by Patrick Osuji.

THE book East A compendium of activities In THE African And Nigerian maritime industry, retailer THE authors staff experience And observations extending more that 30 years as A practical administrator. THE book which East do up of 13 chapters East A complete view of activities that to have detained down THE maritime industry And solutions has improve THE situation.

Chapter A talks of THE Maritime Industry And Port Performance In Africa. Here THE author x-rays Africa place In THE global international walk place And role of THE maritime sector In ensure that THE continent remains A true competitor through THE movement of export And import of maritime goods.

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According to has him, while African international trade rests strongly on shipping And seaports, he East sad that It is share of global maritime trade turns pale In comparison with Asia, Latin America And THE Caribbean.

All these are as A result of THE the continent trade concentration And limit diversification brought about by lack of investments In maritime technology.

Chapter two East A complete preview of THE authors journey through THE maritime industry which begin Since her early years as Port Officer with THE Nigerian Shippers Advice (NSC) And her growth In THE organization bringing with he huge responsibilities that include THE establishment of THE Oyo State Area Desk of THE Nigerian Shippers Advice In Ibadan which he headed even as he was General secretary of THE Nigerian Shippers Advice bifurcate of THE Senior Staff Association of Statutory Companies And Government Possesses Companies (SSASCGOC).

Her Odyssey encompassed hectic official assignment of building bridges to answer interests of THE organization And personal.

Even When he was redeployed has THE Lagos Headquarter, THE author did not lower her view In contributing enormously towards improvement relationship between THE Nigerian Shippers Advice And all stakeholders In THE Nigerian maritime industry.

Chapter three takes A wider see of THE dynamic of global maritime trade has Nigeria. Here, THE author makes case For Nigeria has take advantage of her extensive littoral And embark on establishment A vibrant 'Blue Economy' For THE economic benefits of THE country. He maintained that THE maritime industry is holding immense importance For coastal countries In terms of economic growth, security, And generally development.

Even has that, he East relevant has note that while 80 percent of of the world merchandise East door by sea, THE shipping industry East always characterized by request And provide imbalances, volatile freight rates, environmental concerns, piracy And geopolitics risks among others.

THE author regrets that despite THE huge contributions of shipping has global trade, Nigeria remains A fringe player In THE maritime industry. This rigid reality East laid naked by THE do that more that 90 percent of Nigerian possesses shipping companies to have either close down operations Or are barely in trouble has survive.

This chapter Also takes THE drive In the reasons For establishment of Shippers Associations In Nigeria And other maritime nations.

Chapter four talks on 'THE Morality of Change In Maritime Industry', by which THE author counted the reasons For choose THE Nigerian Shippers Advice as Port Economic Regulator which Before SO was THE to put back of THE Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) until 2014.

Chapters five, six And Seven talks about THE Extended The roles of THE Nigerian Shippers Advice And establishment of THE Port Standing Stain Team (PSTT) which to put back East has monitor, impose And apply punishments Or necessary, OUR hope East has merge This function with THE Advice Act has become A unit In THE advice.

Inaugurated on March 3, 2021 THE Stain Team East has serve as THE operational outfit with A see has retrenchment responsibility And transparency, ensure compliance, as GOOD as promote integrity In THE maritime sector. He East outstanding has State that In 2021, more that 85 percent of ships that arrived has Nigerian ports And terminals deceased without meet extortion. Moreover, a lot illegal actions door out has THE ports by both State And non-state actors that embarrassed unhindered movement of Vehicles And people along THE ports' logistics ring were disturbed.

Chapter eight throws more light on activities of PSTT And It is extended mandate has to carry out necessary fight against corruption activities that would be help dismantle THE illegal networks responsible For THE traffic dead end In THE port area.


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