US could pay 3 times more than EU for US-funded Moderna COVID vaccine

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel during an interview on Bloomberg Television on the closing day of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, May 26, 2022. Enlarge / Modern CEO Stephane Bancel during A Bloomberg Television interview on THE closing day of THE World Economic Forum In Davos, Swiss, on Can 26, 2022. Getty | Jason Alden

Compared with with other countries, THE WE East Again seeing exorbitant prices For A medicine, even A he help expand.

In THE current COVID-19 amplifier campaign, THE Centers For Disease Control And Prevention East paid around $82 For each dose of by Moderna 2023-2024 update mRNA COVID-19 vaccine For It is program has provide vaccine For THE not insured. That price East A little on three times THE $26 by dose THE federal government paid For THE last update amplifier, which was exclusively distributed by THE government.

THE price hiking Brands THE vaccines move Since federal distribution has THE commercial walk. Modern And rival maker Pfizer raised THE WE list price of their COVID-19 vaccines by roughly 400 percent. (from Moderna East listed has $128 And that of Pfizer East $115).

THE price hiking East particularly outstanding Since Modern, which developed It is COVID-19 vaccine with substantial assistance Since THE federal government. He developed THE vaccine In Partnership with THE National Institutes of Health And obtained $1.7 billion In federal to agree money For It is clinical development.

In A March Congress audience on THE vaccines price, by Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel—who became A billionaire during THE pandemic – shameless defended quadruple THE price. Specifically, Bancel minimized THE WE Governments contribution And suggested THE earlier price was In fact A reduction.

"We were below No obligation has TO DO SO, but, recognize THE WE Governments investments, OUR business decided has provide THE government with A discount," Bancel said of THE $26 by dose price.

The senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), WHO chaired THE hearing, licensed back, saying: "This vaccine would be not exist without NIH Partnership And skill, And THE substantial investment of THE taxpayers of This country. And here East THE 'thank You' that THE taxpayers of This country received Since Modern For that huge investment: They are thanks THE taxpayers of THE United States by to propose has quadruple THE price of THE COVID vaccine."

NOW, add insult has injury, THE European union can END up paid three times less that THE WE For THE even vaccine. According to has A report by THE Financial Times, EU health authorities are In THE process of negotiate A vaccine provide agreement with Moderna—and, SO far, THE discussed price by dose East just 25 euros, Or about $26, which Bancel had suggested previously was A At a reduced price price For THE WE government. However THE the EU price East not final, THE discussed price In THE negotiation East substantially lower that What THE WE East Already bifurcate on For THE update shots.

THE news, while maybe infuriating, East not surprising. During that of March Congress hearing, Bancel suggests that THE WE would be not get A GOOD agreement on THE blows. Sanders request him THE question directly.

"THE United States - the people In OUR country – pay THE The highest prices In THE world For prescription drugs In general… will You has less say We Today that THE price You are loading For THE vaccine will be lower that What other countries around THE world are paying?" Sanders implored.

Bancel Ultimately replied : "I can't say THE price will be lower that other country."

US could pay 3 times more than EU for US-funded Moderna COVID vaccine
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel during an interview on Bloomberg Television on the closing day of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, May 26, 2022. Enlarge / Modern CEO Stephane Bancel during A Bloomberg Television interview on THE closing day of THE World Economic Forum In Davos, Swiss, on Can 26, 2022. Getty | Jason Alden

Compared with with other countries, THE WE East Again seeing exorbitant prices For A medicine, even A he help expand.

In THE current COVID-19 amplifier campaign, THE Centers For Disease Control And Prevention East paid around $82 For each dose of by Moderna 2023-2024 update mRNA COVID-19 vaccine For It is program has provide vaccine For THE not insured. That price East A little on three times THE $26 by dose THE federal government paid For THE last update amplifier, which was exclusively distributed by THE government.

THE price hiking Brands THE vaccines move Since federal distribution has THE commercial walk. Modern And rival maker Pfizer raised THE WE list price of their COVID-19 vaccines by roughly 400 percent. (from Moderna East listed has $128 And that of Pfizer East $115).

THE price hiking East particularly outstanding Since Modern, which developed It is COVID-19 vaccine with substantial assistance Since THE federal government. He developed THE vaccine In Partnership with THE National Institutes of Health And obtained $1.7 billion In federal to agree money For It is clinical development.

In A March Congress audience on THE vaccines price, by Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel—who became A billionaire during THE pandemic – shameless defended quadruple THE price. Specifically, Bancel minimized THE WE Governments contribution And suggested THE earlier price was In fact A reduction.

"We were below No obligation has TO DO SO, but, recognize THE WE Governments investments, OUR business decided has provide THE government with A discount," Bancel said of THE $26 by dose price.

The senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), WHO chaired THE hearing, licensed back, saying: "This vaccine would be not exist without NIH Partnership And skill, And THE substantial investment of THE taxpayers of This country. And here East THE 'thank You' that THE taxpayers of This country received Since Modern For that huge investment: They are thanks THE taxpayers of THE United States by to propose has quadruple THE price of THE COVID vaccine."

NOW, add insult has injury, THE European union can END up paid three times less that THE WE For THE even vaccine. According to has A report by THE Financial Times, EU health authorities are In THE process of negotiate A vaccine provide agreement with Moderna—and, SO far, THE discussed price by dose East just 25 euros, Or about $26, which Bancel had suggested previously was A At a reduced price price For THE WE government. However THE the EU price East not final, THE discussed price In THE negotiation East substantially lower that What THE WE East Already bifurcate on For THE update shots.

THE news, while maybe infuriating, East not surprising. During that of March Congress hearing, Bancel suggests that THE WE would be not get A GOOD agreement on THE blows. Sanders request him THE question directly.

"THE United States - the people In OUR country – pay THE The highest prices In THE world For prescription drugs In general… will You has less say We Today that THE price You are loading For THE vaccine will be lower that What other countries around THE world are paying?" Sanders implored.

Bancel Ultimately replied : "I can't say THE price will be lower that other country."

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