VeChain announces tokenized gloves in partnership with UFC — community responds

THE new gloves will contain NFC fleas that track struggle data And provide blockchain evidence that they are authentic.

VeChain announces tokenized gloves in partnership with UFC — community responds News

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According to has A April 12 Blog job Since VeChain, gloves door by CFU fighters will Soon be tokenized And their identities follow up on THE VeChainThor network.

THE gloves will contain VeChain near field communication (NFC) fleas that save struggle data, prove THE authenticity of each pair, THE job declared. After THE struggle, THE athletes will "make a donation And give far" their gloves, manufacturing them In collectors items. THE fleas inside each pair will allow A Buyer has check THE authenticity of THE article via A VeChainThor network clever contract. Fighters will to start resistant THE gloves has CFU 300, which East program For April 13.

VeChain CFU tokenized gloves. Source: VeChain.

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VeChain announces tokenized gloves in partnership with UFC — community responds

THE new gloves will contain NFC fleas that track struggle data And provide blockchain evidence that they are authentic.

VeChain announces tokenized gloves in partnership with UFC — community responds News

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According to has A April 12 Blog job Since VeChain, gloves door by CFU fighters will Soon be tokenized And their identities follow up on THE VeChainThor network.

THE gloves will contain VeChain near field communication (NFC) fleas that save struggle data, prove THE authenticity of each pair, THE job declared. After THE struggle, THE athletes will "make a donation And give far" their gloves, manufacturing them In collectors items. THE fleas inside each pair will allow A Buyer has check THE authenticity of THE article via A VeChainThor network clever contract. Fighters will to start resistant THE gloves has CFU 300, which East program For April 13.

VeChain CFU tokenized gloves. Source: VeChain.

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