Video shows 11-year-old soccer player shooting teammates, cops say

Cops say monitoring video watch THE moment A 11 years old youth soccer player shot two of her teammates during A altercation has A practical In Florida on Monday ... And THE pictures East shocking.

In THE clip, You can see A boy race has A vehicle In A car park plot, to input A gun Since THE passenger side seat, And SO fire on another boy WHO had her back turned.

11-year-old footballer arrested for shooting two 13-year-old teammates FOX 35 Orlando

11 years old Youth Soccer Player Stopped For Filming Two 13 years Teammates

Seconds later, You can see A women to input THE firearm Since THE children to input ... Before appearing has to punish him In THE car park a lot.

According to has the cops, THE incident arrived has around 8:20 a.m. PM has THE North West Recreation Complex soccer field In Apopka ... After THE 11 years old And two other 13 years youth soccer players had got In A argument. They say When THE child licensed disabled THE Single round, he hit THE others -- contagious A In THE superior body while cutoff another In THE arm.

Both boys are expected has to recover Since their injuries ... A surprising revelation, considering how frantic A women was In A 911 call put just seconds After THE shot went off.

Video shows 11-year-old soccer player shooting teammates, cops say

Cops say monitoring video watch THE moment A 11 years old youth soccer player shot two of her teammates during A altercation has A practical In Florida on Monday ... And THE pictures East shocking.

In THE clip, You can see A boy race has A vehicle In A car park plot, to input A gun Since THE passenger side seat, And SO fire on another boy WHO had her back turned.

11-year-old footballer arrested for shooting two 13-year-old teammates FOX 35 Orlando

11 years old Youth Soccer Player Stopped For Filming Two 13 years Teammates

Seconds later, You can see A women to input THE firearm Since THE children to input ... Before appearing has to punish him In THE car park a lot.

According to has the cops, THE incident arrived has around 8:20 a.m. PM has THE North West Recreation Complex soccer field In Apopka ... After THE 11 years old And two other 13 years youth soccer players had got In A argument. They say When THE child licensed disabled THE Single round, he hit THE others -- contagious A In THE superior body while cutoff another In THE arm.

Both boys are expected has to recover Since their injuries ... A surprising revelation, considering how frantic A women was In A 911 call put just seconds After THE shot went off.

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