We worship, rather than conquer nature, By Sunday Adelaja

It is only because people believed that man, according to the Judeo-Christian worldview, should conquer nature that we now have these machines which greatly benefit mankind.

When I look around me and see the church today, I am saddened and my stomach hurts, because of our doctrines and the misinterpretation of the Christian faith. Today, most churches use the Christian faith, including scriptures like the one I quoted above, solely for spiritual use rather than for the practical exploration and exploitation of nature. p>

Unfortunately, today's church no longer equips the faithful with pews to go out and conquer nature. We no longer encourage people by the word of God to go and become masters of the marine world. Some churches instead put the fear of the waters and the marine world in believers. I sometimes hear of churches talking about water spirits and scaring believers from approaching the marine world. This must change if our continent is to see the brilliance of day.

It is not fear that we are called to instill in people. No no no! Rather, we are called to instill faith in what God has said about man in the minds of people. We should preach so that people begin to believe that they do indeed have the authority and power to seek out and exploit the sea and nature for their benefit and that of the next generation.


The authority of God given to man over the sea is not limited to using the forces of water for the benefit of man. This authority also extends to the animals themselves that live in the sea. We should research how to explore sharks, whales, sea lions, for the benefit and progress of mankind. In the wisdom of God He probably saw that these are not animals to be feared and just to be eaten. Their resources and energy can be used and directed towards the development and betterment of mankind.

Our colleges, universities and schools must be equipped and informed to develop ways in which our people must be educated and empowered, to go out and fully explore the marine world for the good of humanity. We should concentrate on the development of all forms of machinery, mechanisms, instruments, which might help us to better utilize God's provision in the sea, both animate and inanimate.

Apart from the sea world, the Bible also commands man to run and dominate the birds of the air, thus giving us authority over the aerial world and airspace. We have a mandate from Almighty God to explore the air for him. Atmospheric space, the cosmos, outer space, must all be used for the benefit of man and for the glory of God. We have been given the power to do so. We have the power. We need to change our mindset to start seeing ourselves as having power and authority over the airspace, the cosmos, etc.

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The next logical step of action for us will be to start a process of exploration, research, education, which could allow us to better understand how to take advantage of this authority that God has given us over the aerial world. . Our schools, colleges and universities need to be rescheduled and educated about opportunities to explore the air. New methods must be discovered. New machines must be invented. Drones, planes, helicopters, rockets and other space equipment must be invented to meet man's needs and requirements.

We need to explore the air to meet our health needs. We must explore the air to provide solutions to the needs of the earth. We need to study the composition of outer space, the air in it and how all this could benefit man, solve his problems.

We worship, rather than conquer nature, By Sunday Adelaja

It is only because people believed that man, according to the Judeo-Christian worldview, should conquer nature that we now have these machines which greatly benefit mankind.

When I look around me and see the church today, I am saddened and my stomach hurts, because of our doctrines and the misinterpretation of the Christian faith. Today, most churches use the Christian faith, including scriptures like the one I quoted above, solely for spiritual use rather than for the practical exploration and exploitation of nature. p>

Unfortunately, today's church no longer equips the faithful with pews to go out and conquer nature. We no longer encourage people by the word of God to go and become masters of the marine world. Some churches instead put the fear of the waters and the marine world in believers. I sometimes hear of churches talking about water spirits and scaring believers from approaching the marine world. This must change if our continent is to see the brilliance of day.

It is not fear that we are called to instill in people. No no no! Rather, we are called to instill faith in what God has said about man in the minds of people. We should preach so that people begin to believe that they do indeed have the authority and power to seek out and exploit the sea and nature for their benefit and that of the next generation.


The authority of God given to man over the sea is not limited to using the forces of water for the benefit of man. This authority also extends to the animals themselves that live in the sea. We should research how to explore sharks, whales, sea lions, for the benefit and progress of mankind. In the wisdom of God He probably saw that these are not animals to be feared and just to be eaten. Their resources and energy can be used and directed towards the development and betterment of mankind.

Our colleges, universities and schools must be equipped and informed to develop ways in which our people must be educated and empowered, to go out and fully explore the marine world for the good of humanity. We should concentrate on the development of all forms of machinery, mechanisms, instruments, which might help us to better utilize God's provision in the sea, both animate and inanimate.

Apart from the sea world, the Bible also commands man to run and dominate the birds of the air, thus giving us authority over the aerial world and airspace. We have a mandate from Almighty God to explore the air for him. Atmospheric space, the cosmos, outer space, must all be used for the benefit of man and for the glory of God. We have been given the power to do so. We have the power. We need to change our mindset to start seeing ourselves as having power and authority over the airspace, the cosmos, etc.

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The next logical step of action for us will be to start a process of exploration, research, education, which could allow us to better understand how to take advantage of this authority that God has given us over the aerial world. . Our schools, colleges and universities need to be rescheduled and educated about opportunities to explore the air. New methods must be discovered. New machines must be invented. Drones, planes, helicopters, rockets and other space equipment must be invented to meet man's needs and requirements.

We need to explore the air to meet our health needs. We must explore the air to provide solutions to the needs of the earth. We need to study the composition of outer space, the air in it and how all this could benefit man, solve his problems.

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