Why Tinubu can’t end Nigeria’s despair now – Isaac Albert

A Teacher of African History, Peace, And Conflict Studies has THE University of Ibadan, Isaac Olawale Albert, was A member of THE Presidential Committee on THE Goodbye of Defense Policy In 2014/2015. He speak with IMOLEAYO OYEDEYI on THE rising calls For A transition has A parliamentary system of government For Nigeria And if This will address THE country existing multilayer sociopolitical problems.

RECENTLY, a few the legislators called For A back of Nigeria has THE parliamentary system of government. But In your own assessment, TO DO You think This will solve OUR current any problems?

GOOD, has THE 2014 National Conference, We recommended that Nigeria should consider THE parliamentary system of government largely because We believe he East less Dear that THE presidential system We are practicing NOW. Below THE parliamentary system of government, THE Prime Minister East selected Since THE parliament And can be recalled easily by THE parliament. Also, THE government East Easier has manage, And he East not as Dear as What We are practicing NOW, which East A bicameral legislation system. You to have THE Senate And THE Home of Representatives, which are both TO DO THE even thing, while THE president appointed ministers And all. SO We believe that THE parliamentary system served Nigeria very GOOD In THE First of all Republic. And SO, We thought that In A offer has bring governance closer has THE people And Also TO DO he less Dear And flexible, he would be be better For THE country has back has THE parliamentary system of government. Unfortunately, OUR recommendation was turned far by THE Muhammadu Buhari administration For the reasons that are Again has be explain has We. But I believe people are recommend THE even system NOW given THE entire crisis that East tormenting THE country Currently. And I feel that East THE direction We should come on.

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But TO DO You think This policy transition will Effectively address THE multi-faceted problems distressing THE country has THE moment?

GOOD, I don't do it think We should be Also pregnant on This, because THE Nigerian situation East A very complex A. In truth, THE parliamentary system will reduce OUR cost of governance And even bring governance closer has THE people. And I believe This East A strong reason We need he. But as I said, We to have several problems with Why THE country East not manufacturing progress. Corruption East A of them. If We can adopt THE parliamentary system, I think he will agreement with A little of THE problems, but not all. In other words, he will not withdraw all OUR problems as A country. He will only withdraw some.

In A attempt has address THE country problems, THE 10th National Assembly has begin another Constitution Goodbye Process, but a lot observers to have strongly critical This, saying he would be consume A huge Rising of THE country resources, but yield very little result. How TRUE can This be?

He East on save that Since 1999, THE SIN has has been amendment THE Constitution, but THE question East: What changes to have We experimented as Nigerians? They to have spent strongly on constitutional amendment, but has THE END of THE day, We to have obtained Nothing. SO has Me, I don't do it think he East THE SIN that will give We A new Constitution. THE president has has design THE entire of the society approach has THE management of THE issue. HAS be franc, I don't do it see OUR parliamentarians as be ready For any of them radical change In This country. I simply feel they are not Really ready has give up power. This East because THE parliamentary system of government East saying that THE here system will be discarded And We will to have A new system. But a lot of THE Nigerian the legislators are look Before has their second And third terms In THE federal legislature because they are not ready has leave THE place. SO We can't rely on on them has to drive THE change We are talk about In This country. They can't because THE current system serves their interests, And they will to want has keep all THE benefits they appreciate In that.

But East he TRUE that THE 1999 Constitution East very defective And can't be amended has better serve THE people interest?

I to have regularly has been saying that THE 1999 Constitution was not imposed on We as a lot people to have claims. He will be recalled that General Abdoul Salami Abubakar had less that A year has plan A transition Since THE military has civil ruler For THE country. And What he did was has take several reports Since THE Component Assembly has that time And put them together, which gave We THE 1999 Constitution. Spirit You, there was No place Or General Abdoul Salami said THE 1999 Constitution should not be chan...

Why Tinubu can’t end Nigeria’s despair now – Isaac Albert

A Teacher of African History, Peace, And Conflict Studies has THE University of Ibadan, Isaac Olawale Albert, was A member of THE Presidential Committee on THE Goodbye of Defense Policy In 2014/2015. He speak with IMOLEAYO OYEDEYI on THE rising calls For A transition has A parliamentary system of government For Nigeria And if This will address THE country existing multilayer sociopolitical problems.

RECENTLY, a few the legislators called For A back of Nigeria has THE parliamentary system of government. But In your own assessment, TO DO You think This will solve OUR current any problems?

GOOD, has THE 2014 National Conference, We recommended that Nigeria should consider THE parliamentary system of government largely because We believe he East less Dear that THE presidential system We are practicing NOW. Below THE parliamentary system of government, THE Prime Minister East selected Since THE parliament And can be recalled easily by THE parliament. Also, THE government East Easier has manage, And he East not as Dear as What We are practicing NOW, which East A bicameral legislation system. You to have THE Senate And THE Home of Representatives, which are both TO DO THE even thing, while THE president appointed ministers And all. SO We believe that THE parliamentary system served Nigeria very GOOD In THE First of all Republic. And SO, We thought that In A offer has bring governance closer has THE people And Also TO DO he less Dear And flexible, he would be be better For THE country has back has THE parliamentary system of government. Unfortunately, OUR recommendation was turned far by THE Muhammadu Buhari administration For the reasons that are Again has be explain has We. But I believe people are recommend THE even system NOW given THE entire crisis that East tormenting THE country Currently. And I feel that East THE direction We should come on.

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But TO DO You think This policy transition will Effectively address THE multi-faceted problems distressing THE country has THE moment?

GOOD, I don't do it think We should be Also pregnant on This, because THE Nigerian situation East A very complex A. In truth, THE parliamentary system will reduce OUR cost of governance And even bring governance closer has THE people. And I believe This East A strong reason We need he. But as I said, We to have several problems with Why THE country East not manufacturing progress. Corruption East A of them. If We can adopt THE parliamentary system, I think he will agreement with A little of THE problems, but not all. In other words, he will not withdraw all OUR problems as A country. He will only withdraw some.

In A attempt has address THE country problems, THE 10th National Assembly has begin another Constitution Goodbye Process, but a lot observers to have strongly critical This, saying he would be consume A huge Rising of THE country resources, but yield very little result. How TRUE can This be?

He East on save that Since 1999, THE SIN has has been amendment THE Constitution, but THE question East: What changes to have We experimented as Nigerians? They to have spent strongly on constitutional amendment, but has THE END of THE day, We to have obtained Nothing. SO has Me, I don't do it think he East THE SIN that will give We A new Constitution. THE president has has design THE entire of the society approach has THE management of THE issue. HAS be franc, I don't do it see OUR parliamentarians as be ready For any of them radical change In This country. I simply feel they are not Really ready has give up power. This East because THE parliamentary system of government East saying that THE here system will be discarded And We will to have A new system. But a lot of THE Nigerian the legislators are look Before has their second And third terms In THE federal legislature because they are not ready has leave THE place. SO We can't rely on on them has to drive THE change We are talk about In This country. They can't because THE current system serves their interests, And they will to want has keep all THE benefits they appreciate In that.

But East he TRUE that THE 1999 Constitution East very defective And can't be amended has better serve THE people interest?

I to have regularly has been saying that THE 1999 Constitution was not imposed on We as a lot people to have claims. He will be recalled that General Abdoul Salami Abubakar had less that A year has plan A transition Since THE military has civil ruler For THE country. And What he did was has take several reports Since THE Component Assembly has that time And put them together, which gave We THE 1999 Constitution. Spirit You, there was No place Or General Abdoul Salami said THE 1999 Constitution should not be chan...

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