Yorkshire members approve Graves buyout

Colin Graves addressing the Yorkshire members meeting
< p class="" data-reactid=".f2mg9hr5v0.$paragraph-2.0">It means the 76-year-old, who was Yorkshire chairman from 2012 to 2015, is set to take over this role.

Graves' time at Yorkshire was part of the period for which the club fined for failing to address systemic use of discriminatory or racist language.

The agreement must now be approved by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

A special resolution at a meeting extraordinary stormy general election of Yorkshire on Friday was adopted with 746 votes in favor - 88% of the casting votes.

Three associates of Graves - Phillip Hodson, Sanjay Patel and Sanjeev Gandhi - are also expected to be nominated for the board as non-executive directors.

'The line in the sand' - Graves

Yorkshire member Gurminder Singh spoke at the meeting to say it was Graves who led the club "on the path" to its current difficulties.

Graves told members: “I make a personal commitment to you and the whole of the Yorkshire public that, whatever their background, community, ethnicity, everyone – and I mean everyone – will be welcomed into a strong and inclusive culture and environment in Yorkshire. There will be no exceptions.

"Lessons have been learned and will continue to be put into practice Make no mistake, it's not going to be easy. It's going to be a bumpy ride. But we can get there together through hard work, transparency, trust and enthusiasm.

"Today, I hope a line is drawn in the sand: where we are, what happened in the past, let's move on. Let's look forward instead of looking back.

"I'm not doing this for fun, I "I'm not doing it for fun. I'm doing this for the good of Colin Graves. I can assure you I'm doing this for the good of Yorkshire. I could sit at home with my slippers on and do nothing."

Subject to FCA approval within the next fortnight, the second tranche of a loan Graves' unsecured £1m staff will be advanced to the club. Members have been informed that the new non-executive directors will then work with the board to arrange additional funding of up to £4 million over a five-month period.

With almost £15 million owed to the Graves family trust, and with a host of other potential investors no longer at the table, the board said last month that it was recommending Graves' loan offer "after exhausting all other options" in its search for refinancing to avoid going into receivership.

Last month, Graves “personally and unreservedly” apologized for the racism scandal.

Yorkshire members approve Graves buyout
Colin Graves addressing the Yorkshire members meeting
< p class="" data-reactid=".f2mg9hr5v0.$paragraph-2.0">It means the 76-year-old, who was Yorkshire chairman from 2012 to 2015, is set to take over this role.

Graves' time at Yorkshire was part of the period for which the club fined for failing to address systemic use of discriminatory or racist language.

The agreement must now be approved by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

A special resolution at a meeting extraordinary stormy general election of Yorkshire on Friday was adopted with 746 votes in favor - 88% of the casting votes.

Three associates of Graves - Phillip Hodson, Sanjay Patel and Sanjeev Gandhi - are also expected to be nominated for the board as non-executive directors.

'The line in the sand' - Graves

Yorkshire member Gurminder Singh spoke at the meeting to say it was Graves who led the club "on the path" to its current difficulties.

Graves told members: “I make a personal commitment to you and the whole of the Yorkshire public that, whatever their background, community, ethnicity, everyone – and I mean everyone – will be welcomed into a strong and inclusive culture and environment in Yorkshire. There will be no exceptions.

"Lessons have been learned and will continue to be put into practice Make no mistake, it's not going to be easy. It's going to be a bumpy ride. But we can get there together through hard work, transparency, trust and enthusiasm.

"Today, I hope a line is drawn in the sand: where we are, what happened in the past, let's move on. Let's look forward instead of looking back.

"I'm not doing this for fun, I "I'm not doing it for fun. I'm doing this for the good of Colin Graves. I can assure you I'm doing this for the good of Yorkshire. I could sit at home with my slippers on and do nothing."

Subject to FCA approval within the next fortnight, the second tranche of a loan Graves' unsecured £1m staff will be advanced to the club. Members have been informed that the new non-executive directors will then work with the board to arrange additional funding of up to £4 million over a five-month period.

With almost £15 million owed to the Graves family trust, and with a host of other potential investors no longer at the table, the board said last month that it was recommending Graves' loan offer "after exhausting all other options" in its search for refinancing to avoid going into receivership.

Last month, Graves “personally and unreservedly” apologized for the racism scandal.

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