Official trailer for the documentary "Madu" about a young Nigerian ballet student

Madu Trailer

"Hunting your dreams – No matter THE distance." Disney+ has revealed THE official trailer For A documentary movie title Madu, arriving For streaming on D+ future up later In March. A source of inspiration TRUE history of A talented young Dancer. THE movie follows Anthony Madu, THE Nigerian boy WHO became A viral sensation After A video watch him dancing ballet barefoot on A rainy Street out Lagos (as seen here). Madu will first on opening night of THE 2024 Santa Claus Barbara Movie Festival First of all Before It is streaming release. THE movies subject, Anthony Madu, went viral In 2020, moving THE hearts of people around THE world After her dance teacher job A 44 seconds clip of him dancing. Having Never LEFT her House out of Lagos, Anthony find himself thrust In A new world Or her the wildest dreams are suddenly In reach. he is brought up has England has has study has A of THE most prestigious ballet schools In THE world. This looks A little as they are trying Also hard has TO DO him In A star - When he Really should be up has him has choose has to walk her own path.

Here is THE official trailer (+ poster) For Ogens & Benson doc Madu, direct Since Disney+ YouTube:

Madu Doc Poster

Madou follows 12 years Anthony Madou as he leaves her family And community In Nigeria has study has A of THE most prestigious ballet schools In THE world In England. Having Never LEFT her House out of Lagos, Anthony find himself thrust In A new world Or her the wildest dreams are suddenly In reach. Her brave journey East A history of extraordinary obstacles as he research For belonging And acceptance, A family far far, And unexpected challenges that could impact her future. Forming A rich And immersive tapestry said on several continents, Madou present THE world has A boy chasing A dream of inspiration that will resonate with We everything. Madu East co-directed by THE filmmakers Matthew Ogens (director of THE doc movies Ray of Hope, Confessions of A Super hero, Meet THE Hitler, Go North, And Home + Absent previously) & (Joel) 'Kashi Benson (manufacturing her functionality director beginning). Product by Rachael Halilej, Katie McNeill, Jamie Patrickof. This will premature has THE 2024 Santa Claus Barbara Movie Festival This month. Disney will beginning Ogens & Benson Madu doc streaming on Disney+ departure March on the 29th, 2024 future Soon. Interested?

Find more posts: Documentaries, HAS Watch, Trailer

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Official trailer for the documentary "Madu" about a young Nigerian ballet student
Madu Trailer

"Hunting your dreams – No matter THE distance." Disney+ has revealed THE official trailer For A documentary movie title Madu, arriving For streaming on D+ future up later In March. A source of inspiration TRUE history of A talented young Dancer. THE movie follows Anthony Madu, THE Nigerian boy WHO became A viral sensation After A video watch him dancing ballet barefoot on A rainy Street out Lagos (as seen here). Madu will first on opening night of THE 2024 Santa Claus Barbara Movie Festival First of all Before It is streaming release. THE movies subject, Anthony Madu, went viral In 2020, moving THE hearts of people around THE world After her dance teacher job A 44 seconds clip of him dancing. Having Never LEFT her House out of Lagos, Anthony find himself thrust In A new world Or her the wildest dreams are suddenly In reach. he is brought up has England has has study has A of THE most prestigious ballet schools In THE world. This looks A little as they are trying Also hard has TO DO him In A star - When he Really should be up has him has choose has to walk her own path.

Here is THE official trailer (+ poster) For Ogens & Benson doc Madu, direct Since Disney+ YouTube:

Madu Doc Poster

Madou follows 12 years Anthony Madou as he leaves her family And community In Nigeria has study has A of THE most prestigious ballet schools In THE world In England. Having Never LEFT her House out of Lagos, Anthony find himself thrust In A new world Or her the wildest dreams are suddenly In reach. Her brave journey East A history of extraordinary obstacles as he research For belonging And acceptance, A family far far, And unexpected challenges that could impact her future. Forming A rich And immersive tapestry said on several continents, Madou present THE world has A boy chasing A dream of inspiration that will resonate with We everything. Madu East co-directed by THE filmmakers Matthew Ogens (director of THE doc movies Ray of Hope, Confessions of A Super hero, Meet THE Hitler, Go North, And Home + Absent previously) & (Joel) 'Kashi Benson (manufacturing her functionality director beginning). Product by Rachael Halilej, Katie McNeill, Jamie Patrickof. This will premature has THE 2024 Santa Claus Barbara Movie Festival This month. Disney will beginning Ogens & Benson Madu doc streaming on Disney+ departure March on the 29th, 2024 future Soon. Interested?

Find more posts: Documentaries, HAS Watch, Trailer

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