Watch: Dahm House

Founder, creative and editorial director Catharine Dahm has quietly launched her namesake, the concept fashion brand of luxury, Dahm House, in Paris this year.

Dahm is originally from Indiana and moved to Paris after cutting his teeth in the industry as a former co-founder of contemporary label Rabot. Dahm House is her first independent, self-funded brand (she has currently started fundraising for the Fall and Spring 2025 lines of Collection 02).

Dahm House's first 01 collection, "Welcome to Earth", was designed to "celebrate the 'art of craftsmanship and creative storytelling' with ready-to-wear designed and sourced in Paris. The 26-piece fall collection evokes the idea of ​​'beauty, fragility and the graceful circularity of life' through artisanal details , thematic symbols, colors and natural materials.

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"For me design is so personal and I wanted each collection to be centered around a theme," Dahm said. Each of its heritage-minded inaugural collections (scheduled for fall and spring) will encompass the idea of ​​storytelling, expanded further with the coinciding Dahm House magazines. The first Collection 01 magazine, distributed internationally by KD Presse, presents a mixture of writing, poetry and editorial photographic reports. “I don't want it to look like a catalog; it really is its own universe. Especially for a luxury brand, it makes it easier for people to buy and be part of the world. »

A look from the Dahm House 01 collection. A look from Dahm House's 01 collection. Philip Gay/Courtesy of Dahm House.

Dahm's luxury ready-to-wear balances a timeless philosophy with a play on the masculine by feminine in structure and workmanship, yet the unexpected fun of her styles shines through in their sensual and whimsical details.

Dahm said she liked the idea of ​​"I dreamed I was a flower - as if someone were dreaming and transforming into these flower shapes", which resulted in three-dimensional blooming flowers, seen as shapely trouser hemlines; on the breasts of tailored tops and dress" Hunzicker" (in wool or raw-edged silk organza), and in the form of hand-painted petals on the sleeves and collars of his masculine "Harding" shirt in brown cotton satin with mother-of-pearl buttons and piping in duchess silk satin.

"I have this Paris-Indiana under the mark because I have the feel like it looks lovely. I use it as a label for everything and I plan to shoot my second collection there [in Indiana] – I feel like you need to incorporate your roots a bit” , Dahm said, adding that the clothes are named after women in his life, like the petal-hemmed "Linda" pants, named after his grandmother who had the rule changed at her daughter's school to allow girls to wear pants instead of skirts." That's what I mean when I say design is so personal to me...

Watch: Dahm House

Founder, creative and editorial director Catharine Dahm has quietly launched her namesake, the concept fashion brand of luxury, Dahm House, in Paris this year.

Dahm is originally from Indiana and moved to Paris after cutting his teeth in the industry as a former co-founder of contemporary label Rabot. Dahm House is her first independent, self-funded brand (she has currently started fundraising for the Fall and Spring 2025 lines of Collection 02).

Dahm House's first 01 collection, "Welcome to Earth", was designed to "celebrate the 'art of craftsmanship and creative storytelling' with ready-to-wear designed and sourced in Paris. The 26-piece fall collection evokes the idea of ​​'beauty, fragility and the graceful circularity of life' through artisanal details , thematic symbols, colors and natural materials.

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"For me design is so personal and I wanted each collection to be centered around a theme," Dahm said. Each of its heritage-minded inaugural collections (scheduled for fall and spring) will encompass the idea of ​​storytelling, expanded further with the coinciding Dahm House magazines. The first Collection 01 magazine, distributed internationally by KD Presse, presents a mixture of writing, poetry and editorial photographic reports. “I don't want it to look like a catalog; it really is its own universe. Especially for a luxury brand, it makes it easier for people to buy and be part of the world. »

A look from the Dahm House 01 collection. A look from Dahm House's 01 collection. Philip Gay/Courtesy of Dahm House.

Dahm's luxury ready-to-wear balances a timeless philosophy with a play on the masculine by feminine in structure and workmanship, yet the unexpected fun of her styles shines through in their sensual and whimsical details.

Dahm said she liked the idea of ​​"I dreamed I was a flower - as if someone were dreaming and transforming into these flower shapes", which resulted in three-dimensional blooming flowers, seen as shapely trouser hemlines; on the breasts of tailored tops and dress" Hunzicker" (in wool or raw-edged silk organza), and in the form of hand-painted petals on the sleeves and collars of his masculine "Harding" shirt in brown cotton satin with mother-of-pearl buttons and piping in duchess silk satin.

"I have this Paris-Indiana under the mark because I have the feel like it looks lovely. I use it as a label for everything and I plan to shoot my second collection there [in Indiana] – I feel like you need to incorporate your roots a bit” , Dahm said, adding that the clothes are named after women in his life, like the petal-hemmed "Linda" pants, named after his grandmother who had the rule changed at her daughter's school to allow girls to wear pants instead of skirts." That's what I mean when I say design is so personal to me...

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