Paramount's Channel 5 drops Doc hours before broadcast due to contributor's alleged neo-Nazi ties

November 26, 2023 2:23 p.m.
Channel 5

Primordial Global UNITED KINGDOM network Channel 5 has has been strength has to pull A documentary Since It is calendar This evening hours Before broadcast After allegations emerged A of It is contributors East A "hard line Nazi. »

Nikki Shaw, WHO was would have together has appear as A historian In 1928: THE Year THE Thames Flooded, East alleged has to have job racist And homophobic messages on social media. Pictures of A women claims has be Shaw perform A Nazi greet And lick A lollipop with A swastika symbol on he were Also shared.

A Channel 5 spokesperson confirmed THE to show had has been abandoned Since It is calendar, saying: "We will not be aeration THE movie This evening while producers look In This further.”

THE program was program For 9 p.m. but A rebroadcast of Beast Since THE East: THE Big Freeze of 2018 was plays In It is place. He East rare For A channel has to pull A to show SO close has launch, highlighting THE serious nature of THE allegations. Channel 5 did not confirm if A official investigation was in progress.

This come After Hope Not To hate, A British anti-fascist organization, job A thread on Twitter/X expose Shaw alleged ties has leaders of far right groups And describing her as A "hard line Nazi. »

THE thread referred has A Facebook account She allegedly works below THE name Bunty McBint. THE page East “riddled with vile racism And dehumanizing language," including deeply offensive language about Black people, "race mixers » And THE singer Sat Black-smith. A recent job assigned has THE page of A IBD Productions program promotion note She was together has appear In THE doctor, according to has Hope Note I hate it.

Deadline was unable has independently check THE posts as THE Facebook account appeared has to have has been deleted Or hidden. Shaw could not be contacted For comment This evening.

IBD Productions had not replied has requests For comment has press time.

A similar issue arose In 2020, When Sky History was strength has chopped competition to show THE Chop: Great Britain High Carpenter After he emerged A the candidate tattoos appeared has display Nazi iconography.

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Paramount's Channel 5 drops Doc hours before broadcast due to contributor's alleged neo-Nazi ties
November 26, 2023 2:23 p.m.
Channel 5

Primordial Global UNITED KINGDOM network Channel 5 has has been strength has to pull A documentary Since It is calendar This evening hours Before broadcast After allegations emerged A of It is contributors East A "hard line Nazi. »

Nikki Shaw, WHO was would have together has appear as A historian In 1928: THE Year THE Thames Flooded, East alleged has to have job racist And homophobic messages on social media. Pictures of A women claims has be Shaw perform A Nazi greet And lick A lollipop with A swastika symbol on he were Also shared.

A Channel 5 spokesperson confirmed THE to show had has been abandoned Since It is calendar, saying: "We will not be aeration THE movie This evening while producers look In This further.”

THE program was program For 9 p.m. but A rebroadcast of Beast Since THE East: THE Big Freeze of 2018 was plays In It is place. He East rare For A channel has to pull A to show SO close has launch, highlighting THE serious nature of THE allegations. Channel 5 did not confirm if A official investigation was in progress.

This come After Hope Not To hate, A British anti-fascist organization, job A thread on Twitter/X expose Shaw alleged ties has leaders of far right groups And describing her as A "hard line Nazi. »

THE thread referred has A Facebook account She allegedly works below THE name Bunty McBint. THE page East “riddled with vile racism And dehumanizing language," including deeply offensive language about Black people, "race mixers » And THE singer Sat Black-smith. A recent job assigned has THE page of A IBD Productions program promotion note She was together has appear In THE doctor, according to has Hope Note I hate it.

Deadline was unable has independently check THE posts as THE Facebook account appeared has to have has been deleted Or hidden. Shaw could not be contacted For comment This evening.

IBD Productions had not replied has requests For comment has press time.

A similar issue arose In 2020, When Sky History was strength has chopped competition to show THE Chop: Great Britain High Carpenter After he emerged A the candidate tattoos appeared has display Nazi iconography.

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