Paul Graham says Microsoft Bing challenges Google with ChatGPT more surprising than a '100-year pandemic or European war'

Famous venture capitalist Paul Graham said that while OpenAI's chatGPT keeps people from writing, it can also stop them "having the ideas that writing spawns" .

What happened: Sharing his observations with his 1.6 million Twitter followers, Graham said chatGPT screenshots suddenly started cluttering his feed from social media a month ago. "They have become a type of media, like jpgs and videos."

See also: ChatGPT's popularity reportedly led Google to declare "Code Red" as Sundar Pichai increases his involvement in AI strategy

He then tweeted that AI can basically enable people to generate ideas that handwriting ignites. "Even bad writing must force the writer to think. In a confused way, probably, but more than he would have thought if he hadn't tried to write."

Why it matters: Graham also looked at Microsoft Corporation's decision to use chatGPT to launch a version of its Bing search engine and take on Google. He said this latest development is more surprising than a "100-year pandemic or a European war".

The new version of Bing is expected to launch by March this year.

ChatGPT was made available for free testing in November last year. Microsoft backed the company with $1 billion in funding.

Read more: Asking me incredibly stupid ChatGPT questions may have cost OpenAI $1 - And that highlights a real problem

Paul Graham says Microsoft Bing challenges Google with ChatGPT more surprising than a '100-year pandemic or European war'

Famous venture capitalist Paul Graham said that while OpenAI's chatGPT keeps people from writing, it can also stop them "having the ideas that writing spawns" .

What happened: Sharing his observations with his 1.6 million Twitter followers, Graham said chatGPT screenshots suddenly started cluttering his feed from social media a month ago. "They have become a type of media, like jpgs and videos."

See also: ChatGPT's popularity reportedly led Google to declare "Code Red" as Sundar Pichai increases his involvement in AI strategy

He then tweeted that AI can basically enable people to generate ideas that handwriting ignites. "Even bad writing must force the writer to think. In a confused way, probably, but more than he would have thought if he hadn't tried to write."

Why it matters: Graham also looked at Microsoft Corporation's decision to use chatGPT to launch a version of its Bing search engine and take on Google. He said this latest development is more surprising than a "100-year pandemic or a European war".

The new version of Bing is expected to launch by March this year.

ChatGPT was made available for free testing in November last year. Microsoft backed the company with $1 billion in funding.

Read more: Asking me incredibly stupid ChatGPT questions may have cost OpenAI $1 - And that highlights a real problem

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