"The poor must not pay the price for the Truss government's economic incompetence"

Liz Truss will condemn 200,000 children to poverty if she does not increase benefits in line with soaring inflation - a decision made because she lost control of UK finances

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng and UK Prime Minister Liz Truss at the Conservative Party Annual Conference The Kwasi Kwarteng mini-budget forced the government to cut spending (

Image: Getty Images)

Tomorrow, the Cabinet will decide whether or not to freeze benefits.

It's disheartening that they even need to have this discussion.

If Liz Truss had a little compassion, she would have understood that social benefits must be increased in line with inflation.

To do otherwise would be to condemn hundreds of thousands of people to poverty, including approximately 200,000 children.

The Resolution Foundation think tank has calculated that if benefits only increased with income, as the Truss government envisages, a disabled adult would lose £380 a year and a single parent with one child £476.

Prime Minister and Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng are targeting the welfare system because they have lost control of the country's finances with their disastrous mini-budget.

The poor and vulnerable should not pay the price for this government's economic incompetence.

Fortunately, there are still a few Conservative MPs with a conscience.

It is imperative that they win the Cabinet battle and persuade the Prime Minister to do the right thing.

Conservative wasters

The Premier said in her speech at the party conference that she believes in achieving value for the taxpayer.

The record of his government in power tells a different story. In the past year alone, departments in Whitehall have written off over £4billion on botched projects.

This is in addition to the estimated £17 billion lost to the taxpayer due to the post-pandemic rebound loan scheme.

This is further proof that conservatives cannot be trusted with the nation's purse strings.

Hats off to Ed

Ed Sheeran celebrated a 10-year-old fan by handing him his guitar.

Young Arthur Baggett's amazed reaction to the gift made it clear that the kind-hearted gesture definitely struck a chord.

"The poor must not pay the price for the Truss government's economic incompetence"

Liz Truss will condemn 200,000 children to poverty if she does not increase benefits in line with soaring inflation - a decision made because she lost control of UK finances

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng and UK Prime Minister Liz Truss at the Conservative Party Annual Conference The Kwasi Kwarteng mini-budget forced the government to cut spending (

Image: Getty Images)

Tomorrow, the Cabinet will decide whether or not to freeze benefits.

It's disheartening that they even need to have this discussion.

If Liz Truss had a little compassion, she would have understood that social benefits must be increased in line with inflation.

To do otherwise would be to condemn hundreds of thousands of people to poverty, including approximately 200,000 children.

The Resolution Foundation think tank has calculated that if benefits only increased with income, as the Truss government envisages, a disabled adult would lose £380 a year and a single parent with one child £476.

Prime Minister and Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng are targeting the welfare system because they have lost control of the country's finances with their disastrous mini-budget.

The poor and vulnerable should not pay the price for this government's economic incompetence.

Fortunately, there are still a few Conservative MPs with a conscience.

It is imperative that they win the Cabinet battle and persuade the Prime Minister to do the right thing.

Conservative wasters

The Premier said in her speech at the party conference that she believes in achieving value for the taxpayer.

The record of his government in power tells a different story. In the past year alone, departments in Whitehall have written off over £4billion on botched projects.

This is in addition to the estimated £17 billion lost to the taxpayer due to the post-pandemic rebound loan scheme.

This is further proof that conservatives cannot be trusted with the nation's purse strings.

Hats off to Ed

Ed Sheeran celebrated a 10-year-old fan by handing him his guitar.

Young Arthur Baggett's amazed reaction to the gift made it clear that the kind-hearted gesture definitely struck a chord.

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