Printing money for fools is “great business” – New Zealand central bank chief

New Zeeland Central Bank Governor Adrien Orr joked during A parliamentary Committee meeting on Monday, but Bitcoiners argue There is truth has her joke.

Print from Money for Fools is a “wonderful business” — director of the Central Bank of New Zealand News

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Did THE New Zeeland Reserve Bank governor just to leave THE cat out of THE bag?

During A parliamentary Committee meeting on Feb. 12, New Zeeland Reserve Bank governor Adrien Orr joked about THE modern central banking system, which was encounter with laugh:

"It is A great business has be In, central banking, Or You to print money And people believe that."

Earlier In THE meeting, Orr said THE central bank had has been confronted with several "tax challenges" And had received several "letters of expectations" Since ministers has be as profitable as possible.

"We In fact funds ourselves And SO decide What dividends has pay," Orr said.

"It is A great business has be In, Central Banking, Or You to print money And people believe he" - Adrien Orr, Governor Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Printing money for fools is “great business” – New Zealand central bank chief

New Zeeland Central Bank Governor Adrien Orr joked during A parliamentary Committee meeting on Monday, but Bitcoiners argue There is truth has her joke.

Print from Money for Fools is a “wonderful business” — director of the Central Bank of New Zealand News

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Did THE New Zeeland Reserve Bank governor just to leave THE cat out of THE bag?

During A parliamentary Committee meeting on Feb. 12, New Zeeland Reserve Bank governor Adrien Orr joked about THE modern central banking system, which was encounter with laugh:

"It is A great business has be In, central banking, Or You to print money And people believe that."

Earlier In THE meeting, Orr said THE central bank had has been confronted with several "tax challenges" And had received several "letters of expectations" Since ministers has be as profitable as possible.

"We In fact funds ourselves And SO decide What dividends has pay," Orr said.

"It is A great business has be In, Central Banking, Or You to print money And people believe he" - Adrien Orr, Governor Reserve Bank of New Zealand

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