Profiles: Jeremy Launder

To speed up our Pro Appreciation Month, we're spotlighting some of SPI Pro's amazing members. If you are considering applying, these are just a few of the phenomenal people who unite our thriving community.


What was your dream career as a kid?

Major league baseball player.

Describe the moment you decided to become an entrepreneur.

When I was around 18 (around 2000), I got really interested in car stereos and electronics. I didn't have a lot of money, so I was looking for ways to get gear for less. On eBay I found someone selling material on how to get stereo equipment at wholesale prices. The process ended up being setting up a business and getting a seller's license. I followed the steps and got my hands on a few distributor catalogs and once I saw the wholesale prices I immediately saw the opportunity to resell gear and make some money. This is how my first company Launder Electronics was born!

What drives your work?

I really love seeing our clients take advantage of that “ah ha” moment and do something they never thought possible or that was too out of reach for them. It's an amazing feeling to be able to positively impact someone's life and/or business with the products and services we offer.

What is the most exciting thing you are currently working on in your business?

I manage all the technological and Web development of our company. One of the products we offer is called Oh My, Hi ( which is a platform that allows our audience to easily create their own website and blog through a mostly fillable interface. We also provide plenty of blog post and page templates to help them get up and running quickly. This project is pretty much my baby and I spent a lot of time working on it. We recently passed 200 active users, which is really exciting!

What does entrepreneurship mean to you? It means having more control over your time and income. I mentioned starting my first business when I was 18, but that business only lasted about a year. After that, I was a corporate employee for over 15 years. I had a good job as an electrical engineer. It paid off well, I always had good managers and I really enjoyed the people I worked with. What I didn't like was how much time I missed with my kids (they are 8 and 10 as I write this) and how my earning potential was capped by the decision of the company I worked for. I wanted to spend more time with my kids, pick them up from school, go on field trips, never miss a baseball or softball practice or game, and ultimately have more control over my time. I took the plunge and joined our company full-time in July 2020. It hasn't been easy, but it's been rewarding and I don't miss anything with the kids anymore. And our business has been able to grow faster since gaining full-time attention.

I wanted to spend more time with my kids, pick them up from school, go on field trips, never miss a practice or baseball or softball game, and ultimately have more control over my time.

What brought you to SPI Pro? I've been following Pat for a long time. I remember listening to some very early podcast episodes (I think it was somewhere around episode 15) where he talked about the different types of passive income streams and how you could earn money. money with...

Profiles: Jeremy Launder

To speed up our Pro Appreciation Month, we're spotlighting some of SPI Pro's amazing members. If you are considering applying, these are just a few of the phenomenal people who unite our thriving community.


What was your dream career as a kid?

Major league baseball player.

Describe the moment you decided to become an entrepreneur.

When I was around 18 (around 2000), I got really interested in car stereos and electronics. I didn't have a lot of money, so I was looking for ways to get gear for less. On eBay I found someone selling material on how to get stereo equipment at wholesale prices. The process ended up being setting up a business and getting a seller's license. I followed the steps and got my hands on a few distributor catalogs and once I saw the wholesale prices I immediately saw the opportunity to resell gear and make some money. This is how my first company Launder Electronics was born!

What drives your work?

I really love seeing our clients take advantage of that “ah ha” moment and do something they never thought possible or that was too out of reach for them. It's an amazing feeling to be able to positively impact someone's life and/or business with the products and services we offer.

What is the most exciting thing you are currently working on in your business?

I manage all the technological and Web development of our company. One of the products we offer is called Oh My, Hi ( which is a platform that allows our audience to easily create their own website and blog through a mostly fillable interface. We also provide plenty of blog post and page templates to help them get up and running quickly. This project is pretty much my baby and I spent a lot of time working on it. We recently passed 200 active users, which is really exciting!

What does entrepreneurship mean to you? It means having more control over your time and income. I mentioned starting my first business when I was 18, but that business only lasted about a year. After that, I was a corporate employee for over 15 years. I had a good job as an electrical engineer. It paid off well, I always had good managers and I really enjoyed the people I worked with. What I didn't like was how much time I missed with my kids (they are 8 and 10 as I write this) and how my earning potential was capped by the decision of the company I worked for. I wanted to spend more time with my kids, pick them up from school, go on field trips, never miss a baseball or softball practice or game, and ultimately have more control over my time. I took the plunge and joined our company full-time in July 2020. It hasn't been easy, but it's been rewarding and I don't miss anything with the kids anymore. And our business has been able to grow faster since gaining full-time attention.

I wanted to spend more time with my kids, pick them up from school, go on field trips, never miss a practice or baseball or softball game, and ultimately have more control over my time.

What brought you to SPI Pro? I've been following Pat for a long time. I remember listening to some very early podcast episodes (I think it was somewhere around episode 15) where he talked about the different types of passive income streams and how you could earn money. money with...

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