Ravneet Gill's Queen Claude and Almond Tart Recipe | The perfect place

Some fruits ripened slowly all summer. And I'm so ready for it. Greengages are jewels that fall between plums and plums, perfectly sweet and golden, and a happy addition to many desserts: alongside a panna cotta, for example, or in jam to brighten up the summer months. winter, or baked in a pie like this. .

Queen Claude Almond Pie

This makes enough dough for two pies, as it's hard to crack an egg, so freeze half for another time. If you can't find queens-claudes, plums and plums are also suitable.

Preparation 30 minRefrigeration 4h30+Cooking 1h30Makes 1 pie of 20cm, with enough dough for another pie

5 greengage plums, halved and pittedSlivered almonds20 g warmed apricot jam, to brown (optional)10 g icing sugar, to finish

< p class="dcr-kpil6a" >For the dough (for 2 tartlets)250g flour100g icing sugarA pinch of fleur de sel120g cold unsalted butter cut into cubes, plus extra for greasing2 eggs

For the frangipane90g unsalted butter90g golden caster sugarA pinch of fleur de sel1 egg110g ground almonds (or blanched almonds blitz roasted)20g flour Zest of ½ lemon

In a food processor or the bowl of a stand mixer with the spatula, combine the dry ingredients for the batter. Add the butter, mix until you get a breadcrumb consistency, then stir in one of the eggs - you may need a little water to create a batter.

Insert a working surface and knead gently to bring the dough together. Split it in half, wrap it tightly, then flatten it into discs and refrigerate for at least four hours, or overnight (or freeze for up to 30 days).

Take a chilled dough disk and knead gently. Sprinkle a work surface with flour, then roll out the dough to about 4mm thick. Transfer to a greased 23cm pie shell, pressing down in the corners and allowing a little overflow, then refrigerate for another 20-30 minutes.

Prepare the frangipane: in a large bowl, beat the butter and sugar until pale, then stir in the salt and egg. Stir in ground almonds and flour.

Preheat oven to 190C (170C fan)/375F/Gas 5 and place a heavy baking sheet on the shelf medium to heat. Crumple a large sheet of parchment paper, place it in the chilled pie shell, then fill it with baking beans. Place the mold on the hot plate and bake for 20 minutes, until the edges are golden brown. Remove the paper and the beans, then return to the oven for 20 to 30 minutes, until golden.

Beat the other egg, then brush it all over the pie shell. Return to the oven for three minutes, then remove and let cool for another 10 minutes (this helps keep the crispiness and prevents the filling from dripping).

Drizzle the frangipane in a layer uniform in the case. Arrange the queen claudes on top and sprinkle with slivered almonds. Lower the oven by 10°C, then cook for 30-35 minutes, until everything is golden and the frangipane is no longer moist. Let refresh in the bowl. Once cooled, brush everything with jam, if using, to give it some shine, then dust with icing sugar and serve with cream.

Ravneet Gill's Queen Claude and Almond Tart Recipe | The perfect place

Some fruits ripened slowly all summer. And I'm so ready for it. Greengages are jewels that fall between plums and plums, perfectly sweet and golden, and a happy addition to many desserts: alongside a panna cotta, for example, or in jam to brighten up the summer months. winter, or baked in a pie like this. .

Queen Claude Almond Pie

This makes enough dough for two pies, as it's hard to crack an egg, so freeze half for another time. If you can't find queens-claudes, plums and plums are also suitable.

Preparation 30 minRefrigeration 4h30+Cooking 1h30Makes 1 pie of 20cm, with enough dough for another pie

5 greengage plums, halved and pittedSlivered almonds20 g warmed apricot jam, to brown (optional)10 g icing sugar, to finish

< p class="dcr-kpil6a" >For the dough (for 2 tartlets)250g flour100g icing sugarA pinch of fleur de sel120g cold unsalted butter cut into cubes, plus extra for greasing2 eggs

For the frangipane90g unsalted butter90g golden caster sugarA pinch of fleur de sel1 egg110g ground almonds (or blanched almonds blitz roasted)20g flour Zest of ½ lemon

In a food processor or the bowl of a stand mixer with the spatula, combine the dry ingredients for the batter. Add the butter, mix until you get a breadcrumb consistency, then stir in one of the eggs - you may need a little water to create a batter.

Insert a working surface and knead gently to bring the dough together. Split it in half, wrap it tightly, then flatten it into discs and refrigerate for at least four hours, or overnight (or freeze for up to 30 days).

Take a chilled dough disk and knead gently. Sprinkle a work surface with flour, then roll out the dough to about 4mm thick. Transfer to a greased 23cm pie shell, pressing down in the corners and allowing a little overflow, then refrigerate for another 20-30 minutes.

Prepare the frangipane: in a large bowl, beat the butter and sugar until pale, then stir in the salt and egg. Stir in ground almonds and flour.

Preheat oven to 190C (170C fan)/375F/Gas 5 and place a heavy baking sheet on the shelf medium to heat. Crumple a large sheet of parchment paper, place it in the chilled pie shell, then fill it with baking beans. Place the mold on the hot plate and bake for 20 minutes, until the edges are golden brown. Remove the paper and the beans, then return to the oven for 20 to 30 minutes, until golden.

Beat the other egg, then brush it all over the pie shell. Return to the oven for three minutes, then remove and let cool for another 10 minutes (this helps keep the crispiness and prevents the filling from dripping).

Drizzle the frangipane in a layer uniform in the case. Arrange the queen claudes on top and sprinkle with slivered almonds. Lower the oven by 10°C, then cook for 30-35 minutes, until everything is golden and the frangipane is no longer moist. Let refresh in the bowl. Once cooled, brush everything with jam, if using, to give it some shine, then dust with icing sugar and serve with cream.

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