Revamp your breakfast sandwich with a twist on French toast

Regardless of what is this going inside THE sandwich, You to want has First of all prepare THE French Grill separately. You can TO DO them THE path You Normally TO DO: Typical French Grill implied add milk, eggs, cinnamon, And a lot of sugar (Or cinnamon sugar). There are Also a lot of delicious twists and turns on French Grill that You can to use instead, as Parmesan cheese And garlic For A more savory flavor How's it going match with THE savory filling.


That balance of soft And savory East something you go to want has consider. From normal French Grill buns are complete of soft flavors, he help has to use savory flavors For THE medium has strike that balance, unless You specifically to want A extremely sugar breakfast. If You choose more savory Mounted Christ ingredients, THE sandwich will be more balance, And You can always serve he with softer sides as maple syrup And Jam. If You choose a lot of fruits And cream instead For THE filling, you go END up with A very different result, which East always tasty but soft enough has be A dessert sandwich.

Revamp your breakfast sandwich with a twist on French toast

Regardless of what is this going inside THE sandwich, You to want has First of all prepare THE French Grill separately. You can TO DO them THE path You Normally TO DO: Typical French Grill implied add milk, eggs, cinnamon, And a lot of sugar (Or cinnamon sugar). There are Also a lot of delicious twists and turns on French Grill that You can to use instead, as Parmesan cheese And garlic For A more savory flavor How's it going match with THE savory filling.


That balance of soft And savory East something you go to want has consider. From normal French Grill buns are complete of soft flavors, he help has to use savory flavors For THE medium has strike that balance, unless You specifically to want A extremely sugar breakfast. If You choose more savory Mounted Christ ingredients, THE sandwich will be more balance, And You can always serve he with softer sides as maple syrup And Jam. If You choose a lot of fruits And cream instead For THE filling, you go END up with A very different result, which East always tasty but soft enough has be A dessert sandwich.

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