Russell T Davies: I want to write a darker LGBTQ+ drama

Russell T DaviesImage source, Getty Images
By Miriam BarkerBBC News

Russell T Davies says he wants to write an LGBTQ+ drama more dark as he thinks. "a lot of hatred in the air."

Speaking at the Prix Iris, the largest LGBTQ+ short film prize in the world, the writer and producer of It's a Sin said he was concerned about "where we are now."

Davies, whose work also includes Queer as Folk, said that his writings always came back to "here and now."

"I have things to say about that," he added.< /p>

Davies, who recently took over Doctor Who after helping to revive it in 2005, said he believed his work would always relate to modern times Russell T Davies returns as Doctor Who showrunner 'We were all deniers' - TV tackles another virus Gay writers are 'still new', says Russell T Davies

Russell T Davies: I want to write a darker LGBTQ+ drama
Russell T DaviesImage source, Getty Images
By Miriam BarkerBBC News

Russell T Davies says he wants to write an LGBTQ+ drama more dark as he thinks. "a lot of hatred in the air."

Speaking at the Prix Iris, the largest LGBTQ+ short film prize in the world, the writer and producer of It's a Sin said he was concerned about "where we are now."

Davies, whose work also includes Queer as Folk, said that his writings always came back to "here and now."

"I have things to say about that," he added.< /p>

Davies, who recently took over Doctor Who after helping to revive it in 2005, said he believed his work would always relate to modern times Russell T Davies returns as Doctor Who showrunner 'We were all deniers' - TV tackles another virus Gay writers are 'still new', says Russell T Davies

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