Russian mercenary brandishes 'skull of Ukrainian fighter' as he launches chilling rant

WARNING: DESTROYING CONTENT Russian mercenary Igor Mangushev has sparked a backlash online after calling for the killing of the Ukrainian population while allegedly holding the skull of 'a soldier

Igor Mangushev's rant calling for Ukrainians to be killed sparked outrage online Igor Mangushev's rant calling for Ukrainians to be killed sparked outrage online (

Image: Igor Mangushev/east2west news)

Horrifying images of a Russian mercenary holding a skull he claims is a Ukrainian soldier killed in action have been shared online.

The clip shows pro-Putin fighter Igor Mangushev going on a rant calling for the Ukrainian people to be killed.

It was shared by journalist Denys Kazanskyy and the Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

During the rant, Mangushev claims the remains are from a soldier who was killed in battle for the Azovstal steelworkers, reports The Star.

In the video, which has captioned translations, a furious Mangushev says, "We don't care how many people to kill. If we were at war with people, we could make peace with them.

Pro-Putin fighter said skull not civilian
The pro-Putin fighter said the skull was not that of a civilian (


Igor Mangushev/east2west news)

"But we are at war with the idea, so everyone with an idea should be killed like this guy.

“There can be no peace. We must de-Ukrainize Ukraine. Let it burn in hell.

"He was unlucky. We're going to make a cup out of his skull."

A member of the ranting audience steps in to ask the mercenary that the skull was not from a civilian.

Mangushev replied, "He's definitely not a civilian, we killed him ourselves."

Another person yelled, "Did he understand what the 'Russian world' is?"

"I think he did," Mangushev replied.

Russian mercenary brandishes 'skull of Ukrainian fighter' as he launches chilling rant

WARNING: DESTROYING CONTENT Russian mercenary Igor Mangushev has sparked a backlash online after calling for the killing of the Ukrainian population while allegedly holding the skull of 'a soldier

Igor Mangushev's rant calling for Ukrainians to be killed sparked outrage online Igor Mangushev's rant calling for Ukrainians to be killed sparked outrage online (

Image: Igor Mangushev/east2west news)

Horrifying images of a Russian mercenary holding a skull he claims is a Ukrainian soldier killed in action have been shared online.

The clip shows pro-Putin fighter Igor Mangushev going on a rant calling for the Ukrainian people to be killed.

It was shared by journalist Denys Kazanskyy and the Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

During the rant, Mangushev claims the remains are from a soldier who was killed in battle for the Azovstal steelworkers, reports The Star.

In the video, which has captioned translations, a furious Mangushev says, "We don't care how many people to kill. If we were at war with people, we could make peace with them.

Pro-Putin fighter said skull not civilian
The pro-Putin fighter said the skull was not that of a civilian (


Igor Mangushev/east2west news)

"But we are at war with the idea, so everyone with an idea should be killed like this guy.

“There can be no peace. We must de-Ukrainize Ukraine. Let it burn in hell.

"He was unlucky. We're going to make a cup out of his skull."

A member of the ranting audience steps in to ask the mercenary that the skull was not from a civilian.

Mangushev replied, "He's definitely not a civilian, we killed him ourselves."

Another person yelled, "Did he understand what the 'Russian world' is?"

"I think he did," Mangushev replied.

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