The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture was founded by a Puerto Rican

Schombourg Center programs include:

Women's Jazz Festival East generally In March. Black Comic Book Festival East generally In April. Schombourg Center Literary Festival East generally In June. Open Home East generally In November.

Schombourg was born In Santurce, San Juan, Port Rico In 1874. A grade school teacher said him that Black people to have No history, hero Or achievements. That ignorant absurdity Since another time inspired THE young man has prove her teacher fake. He became A commercial printer And began has study Black literature.

Schombourg moved has New York In 1891, continued her research, And began collection And in writing. He joined a few of THE First of all learned organizations For people of color. Schombourg was A of THE scholars of THE Harlem Renaissance (1918 has mid-1930s).

THE New York Public Library bought THE Schombourg collection In 1926, do him It is foundation conservative And renowned THE 135th st Fork Library After him. He deceased In 1938 And East buried has Cypress Hills Graveyard In Brooklyn.

Not a lot people get libraries appointed After them, And certainly No uncultivated those. Mr. Schombourg proven that old teacher fake. A few people say mean things just has TO DO You upset SO You can't progress. Instead of TO DO your thing, You to start spinning In A identify crisis. It is THE of the colonizer game, but don't do it play THE game. Ignore he, go has THE library And develop yourself.

Today We all follow In THE footprint of people as Mr. Schombourg WHO denied has be put down And detained back. He East A great Port Rican, A great African American, A great New Yorker, but Really just A great American, A inspiration For all generations.

You are A collector as Mr. Schomburg. »

Schombourg Center journalist describing New York Latin Culture Review Editor, Keith Widyolar.

[We encounter A of her great-granddaughters In Santurce, Port Rico. What A great family!]

The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture was founded by a Puerto Rican

Schombourg Center programs include:

Women's Jazz Festival East generally In March. Black Comic Book Festival East generally In April. Schombourg Center Literary Festival East generally In June. Open Home East generally In November.

Schombourg was born In Santurce, San Juan, Port Rico In 1874. A grade school teacher said him that Black people to have No history, hero Or achievements. That ignorant absurdity Since another time inspired THE young man has prove her teacher fake. He became A commercial printer And began has study Black literature.

Schombourg moved has New York In 1891, continued her research, And began collection And in writing. He joined a few of THE First of all learned organizations For people of color. Schombourg was A of THE scholars of THE Harlem Renaissance (1918 has mid-1930s).

THE New York Public Library bought THE Schombourg collection In 1926, do him It is foundation conservative And renowned THE 135th st Fork Library After him. He deceased In 1938 And East buried has Cypress Hills Graveyard In Brooklyn.

Not a lot people get libraries appointed After them, And certainly No uncultivated those. Mr. Schombourg proven that old teacher fake. A few people say mean things just has TO DO You upset SO You can't progress. Instead of TO DO your thing, You to start spinning In A identify crisis. It is THE of the colonizer game, but don't do it play THE game. Ignore he, go has THE library And develop yourself.

Today We all follow In THE footprint of people as Mr. Schombourg WHO denied has be put down And detained back. He East A great Port Rican, A great African American, A great New Yorker, but Really just A great American, A inspiration For all generations.

You are A collector as Mr. Schomburg. »

Schombourg Center journalist describing New York Latin Culture Review Editor, Keith Widyolar.

[We encounter A of her great-granddaughters In Santurce, Port Rico. What A great family!]

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