Seven Powerful Quotes That Inspired These Startup Founders

When the going gets tough, people often turn to a motivational quote for inspiration, which is especially true for entrepreneurs. Words of wisdom from successful leaders in business, politics, sports or the arts can be compelling – the assumption is that they must be exceptional to have gotten where they are. Seven entrepreneurs reveal the quotes that helped them overcome obstacles on their startup journey.

Turn everything into victory

“I never lose. Either I win or I learn.”Nelson Mandela

Desiree Silverstone, Executive Coach at Head Honchos, says, "From a young age, I believed that every person and every situation was an opportunity to learn and that everyone I met and worked with had something. to teach myself. Even in difficult situations, I know that there is a gift somewhere, a valid and valuable lesson, and this conviction has sustained me through difficult times. always turns into "victory".

Success in the face of adversity

‘Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.’ Dalai Lama.

There are often setbacks in business, especially in the early years, and it's important not to feel sorry for yourself. Danny Curran, Founding Director of Finders International, says, “I started out as an individual entrepreneur with aggressive competition trying to get me down on a daily basis. But, it's funny how life works staying true to the core cause of building an ethical and successful business. We now have the largest probate research company in the UK."

Find your inner strength

‘No one is coming to save you. You are the one you've been waiting for.' Helen Nicholson.

This quote helped Augustine Tumi Mogashoa, CEO and founder of tech company ASQE, discover who she was and break free from self-sabotaging thoughts, fear, and procrastination. She says, “My startup journey had its ups and downs, and the pandemic was even worse, but knowing that challenges are a part of life kept me from having self-destructive thoughts. I am constantly reminded of how I started and why I am here."

Be prepared

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." Mike Tyson

"You can't plan in a bubble. Things change, so as a leader you need to be ready to respond and react," says Ed Robinson, co-founder and president of the investment platform, banking and Education Stash." What you think is the best idea, the customer or employee might hate. The way you learn, iterate, and bounce back from your losses or successes creates amazing companies, products, and teams."

Don't ask, don't get

"Shy kids become nee kets" Anon

This phrase from Geordie says you need to step up and ask, because no one will do it for you. Jonny Britton, founder of proptech company LandTech, says: "My grandma used to say it all the time, and I lost count of how many times just asking for something resulted in it being given."

Simplicity for startups

“Always challenge yourself to keep it simple. » Robert Polet, former CEO of Gucci Group

It is almost impossible to establish why some startups succeed and others fall at the first hurdle, as many factors come into play, including luck. But one of the most fundamental fundamentals that determine the success or failure of a startup is simplicity.

“Every day there are a million ways to overthink and overdesign,” says Andy McNulty, CEO of o...

Seven Powerful Quotes That Inspired These Startup Founders

When the going gets tough, people often turn to a motivational quote for inspiration, which is especially true for entrepreneurs. Words of wisdom from successful leaders in business, politics, sports or the arts can be compelling – the assumption is that they must be exceptional to have gotten where they are. Seven entrepreneurs reveal the quotes that helped them overcome obstacles on their startup journey.

Turn everything into victory

“I never lose. Either I win or I learn.”Nelson Mandela

Desiree Silverstone, Executive Coach at Head Honchos, says, "From a young age, I believed that every person and every situation was an opportunity to learn and that everyone I met and worked with had something. to teach myself. Even in difficult situations, I know that there is a gift somewhere, a valid and valuable lesson, and this conviction has sustained me through difficult times. always turns into "victory".

Success in the face of adversity

‘Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.’ Dalai Lama.

There are often setbacks in business, especially in the early years, and it's important not to feel sorry for yourself. Danny Curran, Founding Director of Finders International, says, “I started out as an individual entrepreneur with aggressive competition trying to get me down on a daily basis. But, it's funny how life works staying true to the core cause of building an ethical and successful business. We now have the largest probate research company in the UK."

Find your inner strength

‘No one is coming to save you. You are the one you've been waiting for.' Helen Nicholson.

This quote helped Augustine Tumi Mogashoa, CEO and founder of tech company ASQE, discover who she was and break free from self-sabotaging thoughts, fear, and procrastination. She says, “My startup journey had its ups and downs, and the pandemic was even worse, but knowing that challenges are a part of life kept me from having self-destructive thoughts. I am constantly reminded of how I started and why I am here."

Be prepared

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." Mike Tyson

"You can't plan in a bubble. Things change, so as a leader you need to be ready to respond and react," says Ed Robinson, co-founder and president of the investment platform, banking and Education Stash." What you think is the best idea, the customer or employee might hate. The way you learn, iterate, and bounce back from your losses or successes creates amazing companies, products, and teams."

Don't ask, don't get

"Shy kids become nee kets" Anon

This phrase from Geordie says you need to step up and ask, because no one will do it for you. Jonny Britton, founder of proptech company LandTech, says: "My grandma used to say it all the time, and I lost count of how many times just asking for something resulted in it being given."

Simplicity for startups

“Always challenge yourself to keep it simple. » Robert Polet, former CEO of Gucci Group

It is almost impossible to establish why some startups succeed and others fall at the first hurdle, as many factors come into play, including luck. But one of the most fundamental fundamentals that determine the success or failure of a startup is simplicity.

“Every day there are a million ways to overthink and overdesign,” says Andy McNulty, CEO of o...

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