Murder of Shinzo Abe: Hideo Kojima threatens to sue for false messages

Hideo KojimaImage source, Getty Images

A video game Legendary The developer has threatened to sue over hoax posts portraying him as the killer of Shinzo Abe. website 4chan.

The images were shared by a French politician and were reportedly broadcast by Greek and Iranian media.

Kojima Productions has stated that it "strongly condemns the spread of false news and rumors that convey false information".

The 4chan's post used a photo of Kojima and falsely called him a "left-wing extremist" with a criminal record.

It also included a picture of him wearing a type of Ushanka, or fur hat, worn by soldiers in communist Russia, and another of him standing next to a photo of Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara.

Watch Newsbeat go behind the scenes at Kojima Productions

Screenshots on social media showed Damien Rieu, a French politician associated with the country's nationalist movement, had tweeted images of Kojima with the text translated as: "L'extreme gauche tue".

He has since deleted his tweet and apologized to Kojima, saying he "naively took a joke for information" and "was wrong not to check before sharing".

In response, the game director's company tweeted a statement warning that they are considering legal action for spreading false information.

Murder of Shinzo Abe: Hideo Kojima threatens to sue for false messages
Hideo KojimaImage source, Getty Images

A video game Legendary The developer has threatened to sue over hoax posts portraying him as the killer of Shinzo Abe. website 4chan.

The images were shared by a French politician and were reportedly broadcast by Greek and Iranian media.

Kojima Productions has stated that it "strongly condemns the spread of false news and rumors that convey false information".

The 4chan's post used a photo of Kojima and falsely called him a "left-wing extremist" with a criminal record.

It also included a picture of him wearing a type of Ushanka, or fur hat, worn by soldiers in communist Russia, and another of him standing next to a photo of Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara.

Watch Newsbeat go behind the scenes at Kojima Productions

Screenshots on social media showed Damien Rieu, a French politician associated with the country's nationalist movement, had tweeted images of Kojima with the text translated as: "L'extreme gauche tue".

He has since deleted his tweet and apologized to Kojima, saying he "naively took a joke for information" and "was wrong not to check before sharing".

In response, the game director's company tweeted a statement warning that they are considering legal action for spreading false information.

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