Indonesia soccer match rout kills at least 125 fans

At least 125 people were killed on Saturday after a stampede broke out at an Indonesian football match.

It was a horrifying flooded the pitch and opposing teams clashed as they fought fiercely.


The police were distraught, firing tear gas canisters. In fact, it was a fatal move, as fans ran for the exits...causing a stampede.

Dozens of people were trampled to death. Others died of asphyxiation.

More than 300 other people were injured and transported to nearby hospitals, but a number of them died en route or upon arrival at the emergency room.

Hospitals in the region are overwhelmed.

Indonesia soccer match rout kills at least 125 fans

At least 125 people were killed on Saturday after a stampede broke out at an Indonesian football match.

It was a horrifying flooded the pitch and opposing teams clashed as they fought fiercely.


The police were distraught, firing tear gas canisters. In fact, it was a fatal move, as fans ran for the exits...causing a stampede.

Dozens of people were trampled to death. Others died of asphyxiation.

More than 300 other people were injured and transported to nearby hospitals, but a number of them died en route or upon arrival at the emergency room.

Hospitals in the region are overwhelmed.

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