Social workers told not to ask dementia patients who PM is due to high turnaround time


Social workers have been warned in training sessions to refrain from asking dementia patients who the current Prime Minister is due to the high turnover of leaders amid Tory turmoil

Rishi Sunak Prime Minister Rishi Sunak moved up to number 10 last month (

Image: David Cliff/AP/REX/Shutterstock)


Martin BagotHealth and Science Editor

Michael Gillard

Social workers may stop asking dementia patients who is prime minister in memory tests due to high turnover at number 10.

After three leaders in four months, it was felt the question was unfair, as those without the disease may also struggle to name the current leader amid the Tory turmoil.

Warnings were given at a training session for social workers regarding dementia patients in Derbyshire last week.

A source said, "They were updating things and advised not to use the PM question anymore."

Boris Johnson was ousted in July and replaced by Liz Truss, who resigned last month less than two months after his disastrous mini-budget took the economy down.

Rishi Sunak is the last unelected Conservative in No. 10.

Liz Truss
Liz Truss announced her resignation just 44 days after taking office (


Getty Images)

Labour shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said...

Social workers told not to ask dementia patients who PM is due to high turnaround time


Social workers have been warned in training sessions to refrain from asking dementia patients who the current Prime Minister is due to the high turnover of leaders amid Tory turmoil

Rishi Sunak Prime Minister Rishi Sunak moved up to number 10 last month (

Image: David Cliff/AP/REX/Shutterstock)


Martin BagotHealth and Science Editor

Michael Gillard

Social workers may stop asking dementia patients who is prime minister in memory tests due to high turnover at number 10.

After three leaders in four months, it was felt the question was unfair, as those without the disease may also struggle to name the current leader amid the Tory turmoil.

Warnings were given at a training session for social workers regarding dementia patients in Derbyshire last week.

A source said, "They were updating things and advised not to use the PM question anymore."

Boris Johnson was ousted in July and replaced by Liz Truss, who resigned last month less than two months after his disastrous mini-budget took the economy down.

Rishi Sunak is the last unelected Conservative in No. 10.

Liz Truss
Liz Truss announced her resignation just 44 days after taking office (


Getty Images)

Labour shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said...

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