Sudan evacuation plane rescuing Britons pictured leaking fuel and covered in bullets

Images of a Turkish transport plane which flew to the British-controlled Wadi Sayedna airfield in Sudan showed extensive damage to the body of the plane, as it arrived to rescue the British Turkish plane arrived leaking fuel The Turkish plane arrived with a fuel leak

An evacuation plane rescuing British nationals from Sudan was seen landing in the country covered in bullet holes and leaking fuel.

Photos taken from the Turkish C-130 transport plane show the extent of the conflict in Sudan, as it arrived covered in bullets after it was allegedly shot down by militia fighters with small arms, just as it flew into the British-controlled region of Wadi Sayedna airfield, located 22 km north of Khartoum.

Despite the damage, the plane landed safely around 7:25 a.m. local time, before being repaired.

The Sudanese military said the rebel forces were trying to "hinder the evacuation efforts with such dangerous behavior", however, the rebel groups denied that they were the ones who fired on the plane.

Bullet marks could be seen on the plane
Bullet holes could be seen on the plane

This is believed to be the first time a foreign plane evacuating civilians has been damaged by fighting in Sudan.

This comes as the UK government has urged UK nationals to flee while they still have time.

More than 2,000 UK nationals have signed up under evacuation plans, but there could be more. The Foreign Office estimated that around 1,000 people were brought to the UK.

Sudan evacuation plane rescuing Britons pictured leaking fuel and covered in bullets

Images of a Turkish transport plane which flew to the British-controlled Wadi Sayedna airfield in Sudan showed extensive damage to the body of the plane, as it arrived to rescue the British Turkish plane arrived leaking fuel The Turkish plane arrived with a fuel leak

An evacuation plane rescuing British nationals from Sudan was seen landing in the country covered in bullet holes and leaking fuel.

Photos taken from the Turkish C-130 transport plane show the extent of the conflict in Sudan, as it arrived covered in bullets after it was allegedly shot down by militia fighters with small arms, just as it flew into the British-controlled region of Wadi Sayedna airfield, located 22 km north of Khartoum.

Despite the damage, the plane landed safely around 7:25 a.m. local time, before being repaired.

The Sudanese military said the rebel forces were trying to "hinder the evacuation efforts with such dangerous behavior", however, the rebel groups denied that they were the ones who fired on the plane.

Bullet marks could be seen on the plane
Bullet holes could be seen on the plane

This is believed to be the first time a foreign plane evacuating civilians has been damaged by fighting in Sudan.

This comes as the UK government has urged UK nationals to flee while they still have time.

More than 2,000 UK nationals have signed up under evacuation plans, but there could be more. The Foreign Office estimated that around 1,000 people were brought to the UK.

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