“Tens of millions” will enter Web3 through games in 2024 – GameFi execs

Games studio founders Yes Siu And Johnson Yeah think more people are future has Web3 following year — And blockchain Games are why.

'Tens of millions' to access the Web3 via gaming in 2024 — GameFi Executives Interview Join We on social networks

Cryptocurrency walk threshing And THE "commercial release" of several very anticipated blockchain Games will likely on board "tens of millions" players has Web3 In 2024, according to has Web3 game frames.

“2024 East A growth year In terms of bringing people on has Web3”, said Yes Siu, co-founder of game And adventure farm Animoca Brands, In A interview with Cointelegraph.

In THE last three month, around 1 million — Or more — unique active wallets to have plays Web3 Games every day, according to has DappRadar data. However, Siu believes there could be up has 100 million more following year.

"A lot of THE game securities that are about has be released were In alpha Or beta steps In 2022 And 2023 And are NOW all future out has commercial launch In 2024.”

THE casual Web3 game space — including mobile Games — East Or Siu waits has see THE most activity. He speculated that "tens of millions, maybe even 100 million players" will come through these types of less intensive games.

He Also waits Asia has "lead THE charge" due has It is bigger acceptance of GameFi technology And related non-fungible tokens (NFT) that THE United States. Asia crypto regulations are Also "a lot more welcoming And open," Siu added.

Johnson Yeah, founder And CEO of game farm Ambrus Studio, hope Web3 game "can Really take disabled And to have massive adoption with THE help of THE bull walk," which East expected has to start In 2024.

"THE the biggest potential East In THE free to play space, sale skins”, he said, pointing has THE free to play Counter Strike series as A model, Or skins Sometimes sell For middle of six o'clock figure...

“Tens of millions” will enter Web3 through games in 2024 – GameFi execs

Games studio founders Yes Siu And Johnson Yeah think more people are future has Web3 following year — And blockchain Games are why.

'Tens of millions' to access the Web3 via gaming in 2024 — GameFi Executives Interview Join We on social networks

Cryptocurrency walk threshing And THE "commercial release" of several very anticipated blockchain Games will likely on board "tens of millions" players has Web3 In 2024, according to has Web3 game frames.

“2024 East A growth year In terms of bringing people on has Web3”, said Yes Siu, co-founder of game And adventure farm Animoca Brands, In A interview with Cointelegraph.

In THE last three month, around 1 million — Or more — unique active wallets to have plays Web3 Games every day, according to has DappRadar data. However, Siu believes there could be up has 100 million more following year.

"A lot of THE game securities that are about has be released were In alpha Or beta steps In 2022 And 2023 And are NOW all future out has commercial launch In 2024.”

THE casual Web3 game space — including mobile Games — East Or Siu waits has see THE most activity. He speculated that "tens of millions, maybe even 100 million players" will come through these types of less intensive games.

He Also waits Asia has "lead THE charge" due has It is bigger acceptance of GameFi technology And related non-fungible tokens (NFT) that THE United States. Asia crypto regulations are Also "a lot more welcoming And open," Siu added.

Johnson Yeah, founder And CEO of game farm Ambrus Studio, hope Web3 game "can Really take disabled And to have massive adoption with THE help of THE bull walk," which East expected has to start In 2024.

"THE the biggest potential East In THE free to play space, sale skins”, he said, pointing has THE free to play Counter Strike series as A model, Or skins Sometimes sell For middle of six o'clock figure...

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