The best ways to develop your conversational intelligence

Image of the article titled The best ways to develop your conversational intelligence Photo: fizkes (Shutterstock)

At a time when there are countless ways to exchange information, to have a real conversation with another person, be it a colleague , from a family member or someone you meet socially, is perhaps the most powerful. Indeed, conversations are not just about what is said: they also affect the way we manage various relationships in our lives – and it takes conversational intelligence to do that successfully. Here's what you need to know.

What is Conversational Intelligence?

Conversational intelligence is based on the idea that beyond simply being a means of exchanging information with another person, conversations can have a impact on everything from relationships to your self-confidence to your outlook on things. life, positively and negatively.

According to Judith E. Glaser, the late organizational anthropologist who coined the term, conversations determine the quality of relationships, which collectively determine the quality of a company's culture or of another type. organization.

How to develop conversational intelligence

While Glaser views conversational intelligence as something humans are hardwired to possess, that doesn't mean everyone is able to apply this skill to the same level . Here are some ways to develop your conversational intelligence:

Think of conversations as rituals

We can fall into habitual patterns when it comes to conversing with others, Glaser explained, but if your usual conversations aren't working, she suggested think of as rituals: something we all have the ability to learn.

Choose your words carefully

Words and expressions used in conversations are rarely neutral. In fact they

The best ways to develop your conversational intelligence
Image of the article titled The best ways to develop your conversational intelligence Photo: fizkes (Shutterstock)

At a time when there are countless ways to exchange information, to have a real conversation with another person, be it a colleague , from a family member or someone you meet socially, is perhaps the most powerful. Indeed, conversations are not just about what is said: they also affect the way we manage various relationships in our lives – and it takes conversational intelligence to do that successfully. Here's what you need to know.

What is Conversational Intelligence?

Conversational intelligence is based on the idea that beyond simply being a means of exchanging information with another person, conversations can have a impact on everything from relationships to your self-confidence to your outlook on things. life, positively and negatively.

According to Judith E. Glaser, the late organizational anthropologist who coined the term, conversations determine the quality of relationships, which collectively determine the quality of a company's culture or of another type. organization.

How to develop conversational intelligence

While Glaser views conversational intelligence as something humans are hardwired to possess, that doesn't mean everyone is able to apply this skill to the same level . Here are some ways to develop your conversational intelligence:

Think of conversations as rituals

We can fall into habitual patterns when it comes to conversing with others, Glaser explained, but if your usual conversations aren't working, she suggested think of as rituals: something we all have the ability to learn.

Choose your words carefully

Words and expressions used in conversations are rarely neutral. In fact they

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