The real man who inspired some of Frank's weirdest moments on 'It's Always Sunny'

Hockey was not THE only real life person WHO finished up inspiring A major character In "Sunny." In do, Soft Of was appointed After THE marry of To M Morello, THE lead guitarist of Rage Against THE Machine, series co-creator, showrunner, And star Rob McElhenney revealed on A episode of THE Always Sunny Podcast.

"[Morello] girlfriend has THE time, NOW marry, everyone guard referent has her as Soft Dee. And I always thought, God, It is A interesting, funny name, Soft Dee. For what TO DO they call her that, I don't do it know? And SO I kind of forget about he. [...] For as three years. Three years I forget about he. And SO When I sat down has to write THE to show, I don't do it know Why he jumped up In My head. I was as, maybe they call her Soft Of, It is kind of amusing. Yeah, It is just A funny name."

A few of THE watch most memorable recurrent characters Also obtained their names Since real life people. THE McPoyle brothers' the roles were writing specifically For Jimmy Simpson And Nate Mooney, Day said LAist, but they were appointed After A guys that THE series co-creator encounter In college:

"NOW THE name McPoyle, I went has college with A guys appointed Brendan McPoyle WHO East absolutely Nothing as those characters anything, although he did to have 13 brothers And sisters. I just always thought he was A funny name, SO I gave them that name."

Unfortunately, THE real McPoyle did not to have THE even sense of humor as Day about her last name. "I have Since heard Since friends WHO were has A marriage that he is not happy about he, SO I TO DO apologize," THE "Always Sunny" star added. "I No longer to have her phone number, but It is all In GOOD fun."

The real man who inspired some of Frank's weirdest moments on 'It's Always Sunny'

Hockey was not THE only real life person WHO finished up inspiring A major character In "Sunny." In do, Soft Of was appointed After THE marry of To M Morello, THE lead guitarist of Rage Against THE Machine, series co-creator, showrunner, And star Rob McElhenney revealed on A episode of THE Always Sunny Podcast.

"[Morello] girlfriend has THE time, NOW marry, everyone guard referent has her as Soft Dee. And I always thought, God, It is A interesting, funny name, Soft Dee. For what TO DO they call her that, I don't do it know? And SO I kind of forget about he. [...] For as three years. Three years I forget about he. And SO When I sat down has to write THE to show, I don't do it know Why he jumped up In My head. I was as, maybe they call her Soft Of, It is kind of amusing. Yeah, It is just A funny name."

A few of THE watch most memorable recurrent characters Also obtained their names Since real life people. THE McPoyle brothers' the roles were writing specifically For Jimmy Simpson And Nate Mooney, Day said LAist, but they were appointed After A guys that THE series co-creator encounter In college:

"NOW THE name McPoyle, I went has college with A guys appointed Brendan McPoyle WHO East absolutely Nothing as those characters anything, although he did to have 13 brothers And sisters. I just always thought he was A funny name, SO I gave them that name."

Unfortunately, THE real McPoyle did not to have THE even sense of humor as Day about her last name. "I have Since heard Since friends WHO were has A marriage that he is not happy about he, SO I TO DO apologize," THE "Always Sunny" star added. "I No longer to have her phone number, but It is all In GOOD fun."

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