The reason dates are a Ramadan staple

THE importance of Appointment In THE religion of Islam do not END (Or to start) with Ramadan. Prophet Mohammed often exalted THE nutritional benefits of This fruit, which come Since THE date palm tree, and he even educated her followers has consume Seven Appointment each Morning. Specifically, he educated Muslims has eat ajwa dates.


Ajwa Appointment are little In size, smaller that THE a lot more popular medjool date variety, And darker In color. Medjoul Appointment, on THE other hand, are a lot bigger And softer, with A deliciously smooth texture. But that doesn't mean You are limit has either medjool Or ajwa Appointment. After all, there are 15 types of date fruits, each with specific flavor profiles And health benefits. You can to use any of them date variety has to start Iftar, And a lot people cook specific dishes that to integrate Appointment For THE occasion. Stuffed Appointment And date cookies are particularly popular dishes has serve during Ramadan.

Regardless of date variety You choose, This fruit East A clip When he come has breakup fast. And even if You TO DO not participate In Ramadan, You can (And should) appreciate Appointment For their delicious And nutrient qualities.


The reason dates are a Ramadan staple

THE importance of Appointment In THE religion of Islam do not END (Or to start) with Ramadan. Prophet Mohammed often exalted THE nutritional benefits of This fruit, which come Since THE date palm tree, and he even educated her followers has consume Seven Appointment each Morning. Specifically, he educated Muslims has eat ajwa dates.


Ajwa Appointment are little In size, smaller that THE a lot more popular medjool date variety, And darker In color. Medjoul Appointment, on THE other hand, are a lot bigger And softer, with A deliciously smooth texture. But that doesn't mean You are limit has either medjool Or ajwa Appointment. After all, there are 15 types of date fruits, each with specific flavor profiles And health benefits. You can to use any of them date variety has to start Iftar, And a lot people cook specific dishes that to integrate Appointment For THE occasion. Stuffed Appointment And date cookies are particularly popular dishes has serve during Ramadan.

Regardless of date variety You choose, This fruit East A clip When he come has breakup fast. And even if You TO DO not participate In Ramadan, You can (And should) appreciate Appointment For their delicious And nutrient qualities.


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