The risks and benefits of generative AI in software development

Join We In Atlanta on April 10th And explore THE landscape of security Workforce. We will explore THE vision, benefits, And to use case of AI For security teams. Request A invite here.

As A 20 years veteran of in writing coded And as A CEO of A business that serves software developers, I had A by reflex skeptical reaction has early predictions that generative AI would be Ultimately TO DO most software development SKILLS obsolete.

While I am always somewhat skeptical, My experience playing with generation AI In My every day development work has guest Me has open My opening has What I think East possible. AI will change software development In a few pretty fundamental manners, both For better And For worse. Let's go to start with THE positive points.

A END has growl work

Developers spend A excessive Rising of time on details as syntax And punctuation. A lot of This can (And should) go far. Instead of porage on manuals Or connection together extracts Since coded Exchanges, they will describe A desired result And get Perfectly formatted coded In answer. Big language models (LLM) can Also check existing coded has ferret out keyboard typos, punctuation errors And other details that to drive developers mad.

Reinvent executives

Software executives as Spring, Express.js And Django to have book A huge productivity booster by abstraction far THE banal aspects of software development, setting consistent guidelines And furnishings pre-written coded For common functions. Gen. AI will improve their value by create master key coded, automating repetitive Tasks And suggesting coded optimizations. AI can Also help Personalize frame Components has A specific project.

V.B. Event

THE AI Impact Tour – Atlanta

Continue OUR tour, were headed has Atlanta For THE AI Impact Tour stop on April 10th. This exclusive, invite only event, In Partnership with Microsoft, will functionality discussions on how generative AI East transform THE security Workforce. Space East limit, SO request A invite today.

Request A invite THE increase of THE generalist

THE action In trade For a lot developers East their skill In A particular language. Skill In Python Or Ruby won't matter as a lot When Machinery can spit coded In any of them language. In the same way, specialized back-end SKILLS as essay And coded optimization will quickly emigrate has generation AI models. THE most socket SKILLS will be What Machinery don't do it TO DO GOOD, such as building convincing user interfaces, Translating user requirements In specifications And invent new manners has support clients. Software “poets” Or people WHO dream up big ideas of What can be accomplished In coded, will own THE projector.

A revolution In essay

Gen. AI was do For software essay. THE developer writing THE coded, And THE robot creates as a lot test scripts as You to want. A recent

The risks and benefits of generative AI in software development

Join We In Atlanta on April 10th And explore THE landscape of security Workforce. We will explore THE vision, benefits, And to use case of AI For security teams. Request A invite here.

As A 20 years veteran of in writing coded And as A CEO of A business that serves software developers, I had A by reflex skeptical reaction has early predictions that generative AI would be Ultimately TO DO most software development SKILLS obsolete.

While I am always somewhat skeptical, My experience playing with generation AI In My every day development work has guest Me has open My opening has What I think East possible. AI will change software development In a few pretty fundamental manners, both For better And For worse. Let's go to start with THE positive points.

A END has growl work

Developers spend A excessive Rising of time on details as syntax And punctuation. A lot of This can (And should) go far. Instead of porage on manuals Or connection together extracts Since coded Exchanges, they will describe A desired result And get Perfectly formatted coded In answer. Big language models (LLM) can Also check existing coded has ferret out keyboard typos, punctuation errors And other details that to drive developers mad.

Reinvent executives

Software executives as Spring, Express.js And Django to have book A huge productivity booster by abstraction far THE banal aspects of software development, setting consistent guidelines And furnishings pre-written coded For common functions. Gen. AI will improve their value by create master key coded, automating repetitive Tasks And suggesting coded optimizations. AI can Also help Personalize frame Components has A specific project.

V.B. Event

THE AI Impact Tour – Atlanta

Continue OUR tour, were headed has Atlanta For THE AI Impact Tour stop on April 10th. This exclusive, invite only event, In Partnership with Microsoft, will functionality discussions on how generative AI East transform THE security Workforce. Space East limit, SO request A invite today.

Request A invite THE increase of THE generalist

THE action In trade For a lot developers East their skill In A particular language. Skill In Python Or Ruby won't matter as a lot When Machinery can spit coded In any of them language. In the same way, specialized back-end SKILLS as essay And coded optimization will quickly emigrate has generation AI models. THE most socket SKILLS will be What Machinery don't do it TO DO GOOD, such as building convincing user interfaces, Translating user requirements In specifications And invent new manners has support clients. Software “poets” Or people WHO dream up big ideas of What can be accomplished In coded, will own THE projector.

A revolution In essay

Gen. AI was do For software essay. THE developer writing THE coded, And THE robot creates as a lot test scripts as You to want. A recent

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