The Ticket: Exploring Career Paths in Customer Service in the Age of AI

All jobs naturally change And evolve on time, And technological advances are often THE catalyst.

THE impact of AI on customer service East THE last example of new technology leading has fast change – support the roles And career paths are be completely remodeled.

AI has open up new opportunities For customer service teams has improve efficiency And productivity, as GOOD as create fast, high quality customer experiences. But beyond that, It is allow support agents has to break through What were previously THE "boundaries" of their the roles And explore other areas of impact For their businesses.

"Not only East AI transform THE day by day work of support agents, It is create entirely new the roles And career paths For them has explore"

In THE "old world" of customer service, support the roles implied A plot of manual, repetitive, And takes time work. And unless support agents research has move In management Or Quality assurance posts, career progression opportunities were somewhat limit. AI East changing all that. Not only East he transform THE day by day work of support agents, It is create entirely new the roles And career paths For them has explore.

This week on THE Ticket podcast, Intercom own Senior Director of automatic And Proactive Support Ruth O'Brien And Senior Director of Human Support Police officer Stapleton discuss THE impact AI East having on customer service careers, And What "new world" support the roles And career paths look as compared with has "old world" those, base on their own staff experience.

Here are a few key take away food Since their conversation:

AI East manufacturing customer service the roles more strategic – And less manual. By manager THE majority of frequently request Or simple queries, AI East reduce THE repetitive nature of customer service work And increasing THE to focus on impactful customer interactions, awareness management, And more. Entirely new career opportunities are emerging. In THE world of AI first customer service, new the roles are necessary has implement, form, And manage AI. From awareness managers has conversation creators And beyond, there are A tonne of new specialized career opportunities be created For support teams. CS direction the roles are become more data driven And strategic. With AI provide deep knowledge In THE customer experience, quality of support delivery, And more, support leaders are more authorized that Never has to focus on benefit data And to focus on strategic decision making. This East just THE beginning. We have only striped THE surface of What AI can TO DO For customer service teams. The roles And career paths will continue has evolve as THE technology progresses, which East Why support teams will need has continually adapt And learn has TO DO THE most of THE opportunities that lie in front.

If You appreciate OUR discussion,check out more episodesof OUR podcast. You can follow onApple Podcasts,Spotify,YouTube, Or to input theRSS feedinto your player of choice.

End AI CTA Co-Pilot (Vertical) ...

The Ticket: Exploring Career Paths in Customer Service in the Age of AI

All jobs naturally change And evolve on time, And technological advances are often THE catalyst.

THE impact of AI on customer service East THE last example of new technology leading has fast change – support the roles And career paths are be completely remodeled.

AI has open up new opportunities For customer service teams has improve efficiency And productivity, as GOOD as create fast, high quality customer experiences. But beyond that, It is allow support agents has to break through What were previously THE "boundaries" of their the roles And explore other areas of impact For their businesses.

"Not only East AI transform THE day by day work of support agents, It is create entirely new the roles And career paths For them has explore"

In THE "old world" of customer service, support the roles implied A plot of manual, repetitive, And takes time work. And unless support agents research has move In management Or Quality assurance posts, career progression opportunities were somewhat limit. AI East changing all that. Not only East he transform THE day by day work of support agents, It is create entirely new the roles And career paths For them has explore.

This week on THE Ticket podcast, Intercom own Senior Director of automatic And Proactive Support Ruth O'Brien And Senior Director of Human Support Police officer Stapleton discuss THE impact AI East having on customer service careers, And What "new world" support the roles And career paths look as compared with has "old world" those, base on their own staff experience.

Here are a few key take away food Since their conversation:

AI East manufacturing customer service the roles more strategic – And less manual. By manager THE majority of frequently request Or simple queries, AI East reduce THE repetitive nature of customer service work And increasing THE to focus on impactful customer interactions, awareness management, And more. Entirely new career opportunities are emerging. In THE world of AI first customer service, new the roles are necessary has implement, form, And manage AI. From awareness managers has conversation creators And beyond, there are A tonne of new specialized career opportunities be created For support teams. CS direction the roles are become more data driven And strategic. With AI provide deep knowledge In THE customer experience, quality of support delivery, And more, support leaders are more authorized that Never has to focus on benefit data And to focus on strategic decision making. This East just THE beginning. We have only striped THE surface of What AI can TO DO For customer service teams. The roles And career paths will continue has evolve as THE technology progresses, which East Why support teams will need has continually adapt And learn has TO DO THE most of THE opportunities that lie in front.

If You appreciate OUR discussion,check out more episodesof OUR podcast. You can follow onApple Podcasts,Spotify,YouTube, Or to input theRSS feedinto your player of choice.

End AI CTA Co-Pilot (Vertical) ...

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