This company promised to transform the drive-thru with AI – but the secret that powers its technology? Humans.

Artificial intelligence has has been greeted as A game changer For a lot sectors, including THE restaurant industry, which has treaty with soaring work costs on THE pass decade.

THE promise of using AI has lower work costs East particularly attractive For fast food Restaurants with delivery service, Or up has 14% of orders were put incorrectly In 2023, according to has A study Since In touch Preview. fast food Chains, including Wendy's, to have begin using internally Or outsourced AI technology has take Drive-thru commands.

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But according to has new SECOND deposits Since Presto Automating Inc., A major player In THE AI control game, "Offsite agents" In fact help ensure order precision In more that 70% of customer interactions, Bloomberg reported.

Presto sales not has It is clients, which include Of the Tacos, Carl's Jr. And Ladies, East that using It is technology has take Drive-thru orders will free up workers has prepare food. He complaints It is "friendly, Human-Like AI voice assistant East available 24/7, always works has peak efficiency, And Never forget has upsell."

But he turns out THE business East using A critical tool has ensure order precision — humans. He job Offsite employees In countries including THE Philippines has recheck orders In more that 70% of case, according to has Bloomberg. THE business said THE exit In A E-mail that This process "help form It is system And should reduce human intervention on time."

"He strong points THE importance of investors Really understanding What A AI business can And can't TO DO," Brian Dobson, A analyst For Chardan Capital The steps, said Bloomberg.

Presto, which was based In 2008, went public In September 2022. It is technology East used In more that 400 Restaurants. THE the society action fell more that ten% as of Friday afternoon.

Related: Can Presto Automating Bring AI has THE Drive-thru?

This company promised to transform the drive-thru with AI – but the secret that powers its technology? Humans.

Artificial intelligence has has been greeted as A game changer For a lot sectors, including THE restaurant industry, which has treaty with soaring work costs on THE pass decade.

THE promise of using AI has lower work costs East particularly attractive For fast food Restaurants with delivery service, Or up has 14% of orders were put incorrectly In 2023, according to has A study Since In touch Preview. fast food Chains, including Wendy's, to have begin using internally Or outsourced AI technology has take Drive-thru commands.

RELATED: How THE NLRB New Co-employer Ruler Will Affect Franchisees And Franchisors And Redefine Franchise Relationships

But according to has new SECOND deposits Since Presto Automating Inc., A major player In THE AI control game, "Offsite agents" In fact help ensure order precision In more that 70% of customer interactions, Bloomberg reported.

Presto sales not has It is clients, which include Of the Tacos, Carl's Jr. And Ladies, East that using It is technology has take Drive-thru orders will free up workers has prepare food. He complaints It is "friendly, Human-Like AI voice assistant East available 24/7, always works has peak efficiency, And Never forget has upsell."

But he turns out THE business East using A critical tool has ensure order precision — humans. He job Offsite employees In countries including THE Philippines has recheck orders In more that 70% of case, according to has Bloomberg. THE business said THE exit In A E-mail that This process "help form It is system And should reduce human intervention on time."

"He strong points THE importance of investors Really understanding What A AI business can And can't TO DO," Brian Dobson, A analyst For Chardan Capital The steps, said Bloomberg.

Presto, which was based In 2008, went public In September 2022. It is technology East used In more that 400 Restaurants. THE the society action fell more that ten% as of Friday afternoon.

Related: Can Presto Automating Bring AI has THE Drive-thru?

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