This "Oscar Wordle" is the best way to share your award predictions

Image for titled article This 'Oscar Wordle' is the best way to share your award predictions Screenshot: Joel Cunningham

Each year the Oscars ratings drop and a group of entertainment journalists try to figure out what can be done to "fix" the Oscars. While that's actually a problem with no solution - it's hard to get growing numbers of people to care about a movie awards show when, aside from a few mega-blockbusters, the impact of movies on culture dwindling rapidly - I did find at least one website that makes the Oscars game a little easier and more fun for those of us who still care.


This "Oscar Wordle" is the best way to share your award predictions
Image for titled article This 'Oscar Wordle' is the best way to share your award predictions Screenshot: Joel Cunningham

Each year the Oscars ratings drop and a group of entertainment journalists try to figure out what can be done to "fix" the Oscars. While that's actually a problem with no solution - it's hard to get growing numbers of people to care about a movie awards show when, aside from a few mega-blockbusters, the impact of movies on culture dwindling rapidly - I did find at least one website that makes the Oscars game a little easier and more fun for those of us who still care.


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