Toney to captain Brentford on return from betting ban

January 19 – Ivan Tony will captain Brentford has House has Nottingham Forest In THE First League on SATURDAY as THE striker makes her back Since A eight months to forbid For gambling violations.

THE 27 years old will take THE captain cuff In THE absence of THE hurt Christian Norgaard When Brentford host Nottingham Forest .

Tony This week completed A suspension imposed After he admitted has 232 violations of THE English Soccer Associations bet rules.

"He will to start tomorrow And he will Also lead THE team out of THE tunnel, he will be THE captain," said Brentford director Thomas Frank

Franc, of which side to have derivative In THE relegation battle In Tony absence, said he was A massive booster has to have him back. "I am look In THE eyes of A player WHO East very engaged, very excited. »

Tony, WHO brand 20 goals In 30 league appearances last season, has been widely related with A move has either Arsenal of Chelsea but Franc declared: “It’s 99 indicate something that he will stay here but soccer East mad, You Never know What will arrive tomorrow, he is engaged has portion THE team. »

Bookmakers to have Tony has score on her back has 5/4 – A piece of action Tony won't be part from.

Contact THE writer of This history has moc.l1705681547labto1705681547ofdlr1705681547owedi1705681547sni@w1705681547ahsra1705681547w.wer1705681547dna1705681547

Toney to captain Brentford on return from betting ban

January 19 – Ivan Tony will captain Brentford has House has Nottingham Forest In THE First League on SATURDAY as THE striker makes her back Since A eight months to forbid For gambling violations.

THE 27 years old will take THE captain cuff In THE absence of THE hurt Christian Norgaard When Brentford host Nottingham Forest .

Tony This week completed A suspension imposed After he admitted has 232 violations of THE English Soccer Associations bet rules.

"He will to start tomorrow And he will Also lead THE team out of THE tunnel, he will be THE captain," said Brentford director Thomas Frank

Franc, of which side to have derivative In THE relegation battle In Tony absence, said he was A massive booster has to have him back. "I am look In THE eyes of A player WHO East very engaged, very excited. »

Tony, WHO brand 20 goals In 30 league appearances last season, has been widely related with A move has either Arsenal of Chelsea but Franc declared: “It’s 99 indicate something that he will stay here but soccer East mad, You Never know What will arrive tomorrow, he is engaged has portion THE team. »

Bookmakers to have Tony has score on her back has 5/4 – A piece of action Tony won't be part from.

Contact THE writer of This history has moc.l1705681547labto1705681547ofdlr1705681547owedi1705681547sni@w1705681547ahsra1705681547w.wer1705681547dna1705681547

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