Conservative president admits he and Kwasi Kwarteng went to budget backers champagne party

Jake Berry has confirmed he attended an aperitif for business leaders – including hedge fund managers – at a donor's home conservative a few hours after the mini-budget Kwasi Kwarteng delivered a speech to business leaders at the party, it was confirmed Kwasi Kwarteng gave a speech to the business leaders at the party, it was confirmed (

Image: PA)

The Conservative Party chairman confirmed he attended a champagne party with Kwasi Kwarteng hours after the controversial mini-budget - and did not rule out the government's plans being split.

Jake Berry said this morning he was at an aperitif for business leaders – including hedge fund managers – at a Conservative donor's home on Friday, September 23.

But he dismissed it as the "normal drumbeat" of life for conservative parties.

According to the , some of those present may have benefited from the fall of the pound as the markets crashed.

Insiders also claimed Mr Kwarteng presented the Tories' future spending plans at the event, which brought together business leaders at Andrew Law's London home.

Mr. Berry told Sky's Sophie Ridge on Sunday: "We often host cocktail parties for Conservative Party donors. These people should be commended because we don't have public funding for public funding of political parties.

Conservative Party Chairman Jake Berry confirmed he attended champagne party on mini budget night
Conservative Party Chairman Jake Berry confirmed that he attended the champagne party on the night of the mini-budget (


Getty Images)

"It's the normal rhythm of Treasury events as we call them, which we have all the time."

When asked if the hedge fund managers – who then profited from the fall of the pound – were present, Mr Berry replied: "I'm sure there were."< /p>

He said, "There was one I knew, but as far as the rest of the people, there were a lot of people who had grown up and started businesses..."

Mr. Berry, when asked about the acceptability of the event, replied, "I'm not sure...

Conservative president admits he and Kwasi Kwarteng went to budget backers champagne party

Jake Berry has confirmed he attended an aperitif for business leaders – including hedge fund managers – at a donor's home conservative a few hours after the mini-budget Kwasi Kwarteng delivered a speech to business leaders at the party, it was confirmed Kwasi Kwarteng gave a speech to the business leaders at the party, it was confirmed (

Image: PA)

The Conservative Party chairman confirmed he attended a champagne party with Kwasi Kwarteng hours after the controversial mini-budget - and did not rule out the government's plans being split.

Jake Berry said this morning he was at an aperitif for business leaders – including hedge fund managers – at a Conservative donor's home on Friday, September 23.

But he dismissed it as the "normal drumbeat" of life for conservative parties.

According to the , some of those present may have benefited from the fall of the pound as the markets crashed.

Insiders also claimed Mr Kwarteng presented the Tories' future spending plans at the event, which brought together business leaders at Andrew Law's London home.

Mr. Berry told Sky's Sophie Ridge on Sunday: "We often host cocktail parties for Conservative Party donors. These people should be commended because we don't have public funding for public funding of political parties.

Conservative Party Chairman Jake Berry confirmed he attended champagne party on mini budget night
Conservative Party Chairman Jake Berry confirmed that he attended the champagne party on the night of the mini-budget (


Getty Images)

"It's the normal rhythm of Treasury events as we call them, which we have all the time."

When asked if the hedge fund managers – who then profited from the fall of the pound – were present, Mr Berry replied: "I'm sure there were."< /p>

He said, "There was one I knew, but as far as the rest of the people, there were a lot of people who had grown up and started businesses..."

Mr. Berry, when asked about the acceptability of the event, replied, "I'm not sure...

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