Trapeze artist plunges 30ft to the ground after losing balance on wheel of death

Trapezist David, who performs with Circo Quiros, fell to the ground while performing a death-defying stunt at a venue in Madrid, Spain - but miraculously survived with just "a small cut under the chin"

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Madrid: A trapeze artist dives to the floor during a number

This is the terrifying moment a trapeze artist plummets nearly 30 feet to the ground after losing his balance during a live performance on the wheel of death.

Colleagues feared the worst as David Castaneira lay motionless after his fall on Saturday afternoon.

But miraculously, what could have been a tragedy ended with him suffering only bruises and needing 10 stitches on a wound under his chin.

David, a Circo Quiros trapeze artist who suffered his accident while performing with his brother Michael at a venue next to the Islaazul shopping center in Madrid's Carabanchel district, told Spanish media: "I will I have a small cut under my chin that required 10 stitches.

"Now I am resting, but next weekend I will work again."

David Castaneira falls while trying to perform the 'Wheel of Death'
David Castaneira falls while trying to perform the "Wheel of Death" (



His brother added, "It was a coordination problem and he fell off the highest point of the Wheel of Death."

The incident happened just after 5:30 p.m. Saturday.

David was released from hospital after tests and four hours of observation.

He was filmed being carried off on a stretcher and waving to members of the public after the show stopped for approximately 40 minutes before resuming.

Trapeze artist plunges 30ft to the ground after losing balance on wheel of death

Trapezist David, who performs with Circo Quiros, fell to the ground while performing a death-defying stunt at a venue in Madrid, Spain - but miraculously survived with just "a small cut under the chin"

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Madrid: A trapeze artist dives to the floor during a number

This is the terrifying moment a trapeze artist plummets nearly 30 feet to the ground after losing his balance during a live performance on the wheel of death.

Colleagues feared the worst as David Castaneira lay motionless after his fall on Saturday afternoon.

But miraculously, what could have been a tragedy ended with him suffering only bruises and needing 10 stitches on a wound under his chin.

David, a Circo Quiros trapeze artist who suffered his accident while performing with his brother Michael at a venue next to the Islaazul shopping center in Madrid's Carabanchel district, told Spanish media: "I will I have a small cut under my chin that required 10 stitches.

"Now I am resting, but next weekend I will work again."

David Castaneira falls while trying to perform the 'Wheel of Death'
David Castaneira falls while trying to perform the "Wheel of Death" (



His brother added, "It was a coordination problem and he fell off the highest point of the Wheel of Death."

The incident happened just after 5:30 p.m. Saturday.

David was released from hospital after tests and four hours of observation.

He was filmed being carried off on a stretcher and waving to members of the public after the show stopped for approximately 40 minutes before resuming.

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