Trump slams Vivek Ramaswamy's 'deceptive campaign tricks' disguised as 'support'

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In THE last policy news, ancient President Donald Asset has publicly critical companion Republican, Vivek Ramaswamy, just days in front of THE Iowa caucus. THE criticism would have appeared on Trump's Truth Social platform.

What Arrived: Ramaswamy, WHO has regularly watch her support For Asset all along her campaign, was taken has stain by Asset For campaign t-shirts landing THE slogan "To safeguard Asset, Vote Vivek.” THE ancient president saw This as A cunning maneuver has earn support, with THE shirts suggesting Trump's back has THE presidency East hindered by A "deep State," reported Vanity Just

“Vivek begin her campaign as A great Support, 'THE best President In generations”, etc.," Asset said on Truth Social. "Unfortunately, NOW all he do East disguise her support In THE form of misleading campaign tips."

Trump's campaign advise, Chris La Civita, echoes her feelings, Branding Ramaswamy as A "FRAUD" And A "FAKE," as by THE even Vanity Fair report. THE Hourly of Trump's public critical appears strategic, with THE Iowa caucus imminent. Concerns In Trump's camp suggest that Ramaswamy could potentially erode Trump's support base.

A recent survey by BNC News/Des Monks Register/Mediacom Iowa watch Ramaswamy support base among likely Iowa caucus participants has resurrected Since 5 percent In December has 8 percent.

See Also: Trump's Triple Whammy: Ex-president Niece Said 'Donald HAS Never Encounter A Challenge He Doesn't Cower Far From

For what He Imported: THE recent controversial follows Ramaswamy unconventional campaign strategies which to have previously come below meticulous examination as reported by Benzinga. Her aggressive tactical And conflicting style to have has been encounter with disapproval by companion GOP members.

Despite dragging behind Asset In THE polls, Ramaswamy has garnered notable support In THE Republican. This was Underlines by Iowa representative Steve Holt, WHO switched allegiance Since Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has Ramaswamy just days Before THE caucus, as reported by Benzinga.

Ramaswamy has Also do securities For her position on Trump's disqualification Since running For desk In certain States. He sworn has withdraw her candidacy In Maine And Colorado if Asset was disqualified, as note by Benzinga.

Photo by Consolidated News Pictures on Shutterstock

Read Following: Trump's Niece Said Ex-president 'Completely Ruin' new York Fraud Case After Her Explosions Against Judge: 'Donald Could Lose Mar-a-Lago On This’

Designed by Benzinga Neuro, Edited by Shivdeep Dhaliwal

THE Based on GPT-4 Benzinga Neuro content embarrassed...

Trump slams Vivek Ramaswamy's 'deceptive campaign tricks' disguised as 'support'
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In THE last policy news, ancient President Donald Asset has publicly critical companion Republican, Vivek Ramaswamy, just days in front of THE Iowa caucus. THE criticism would have appeared on Trump's Truth Social platform.

What Arrived: Ramaswamy, WHO has regularly watch her support For Asset all along her campaign, was taken has stain by Asset For campaign t-shirts landing THE slogan "To safeguard Asset, Vote Vivek.” THE ancient president saw This as A cunning maneuver has earn support, with THE shirts suggesting Trump's back has THE presidency East hindered by A "deep State," reported Vanity Just

“Vivek begin her campaign as A great Support, 'THE best President In generations”, etc.," Asset said on Truth Social. "Unfortunately, NOW all he do East disguise her support In THE form of misleading campaign tips."

Trump's campaign advise, Chris La Civita, echoes her feelings, Branding Ramaswamy as A "FRAUD" And A "FAKE," as by THE even Vanity Fair report. THE Hourly of Trump's public critical appears strategic, with THE Iowa caucus imminent. Concerns In Trump's camp suggest that Ramaswamy could potentially erode Trump's support base.

A recent survey by BNC News/Des Monks Register/Mediacom Iowa watch Ramaswamy support base among likely Iowa caucus participants has resurrected Since 5 percent In December has 8 percent.

See Also: Trump's Triple Whammy: Ex-president Niece Said 'Donald HAS Never Encounter A Challenge He Doesn't Cower Far From

For what He Imported: THE recent controversial follows Ramaswamy unconventional campaign strategies which to have previously come below meticulous examination as reported by Benzinga. Her aggressive tactical And conflicting style to have has been encounter with disapproval by companion GOP members.

Despite dragging behind Asset In THE polls, Ramaswamy has garnered notable support In THE Republican. This was Underlines by Iowa representative Steve Holt, WHO switched allegiance Since Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has Ramaswamy just days Before THE caucus, as reported by Benzinga.

Ramaswamy has Also do securities For her position on Trump's disqualification Since running For desk In certain States. He sworn has withdraw her candidacy In Maine And Colorado if Asset was disqualified, as note by Benzinga.

Photo by Consolidated News Pictures on Shutterstock

Read Following: Trump's Niece Said Ex-president 'Completely Ruin' new York Fraud Case After Her Explosions Against Judge: 'Donald Could Lose Mar-a-Lago On This’

Designed by Benzinga Neuro, Edited by Shivdeep Dhaliwal

THE Based on GPT-4 Benzinga Neuro content embarrassed...

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