Typing made it hard for Chris Pratt to break into the comedy scene before Parks and Recreation

During the AMA with Chris Pratt, he noted that more opportunities were opening up for him after gaining weight. “They never let me improvise or do comedy [for asshole roles],” he said. "It wasn't until I built a schlubby exterior, which contrasted sharply with my inner confidence, that people gave me room to play."

To be frank, I have some pretty harsh criticisms of Pratt's idea that inner confidence should be a "stark contrast" to a schlubby exterior (which I'll keep to myself for everyone's benefit), but it's no surprise that casting agents were more comfortable with Pratt trying out comedy once he stopped looking like a leading man . Hollywood notoriously has no idea what to do when conventionally attractive actors are so hilarious, mistakenly believing that humor can only be enjoyed if someone is "relatable" or an already established household name.

The cruel irony, of course, is that Pratt only became a superstar after he ditched his Andy Dwyer image and became a burly superhero. They even wrote Andy's new look in an episode of "Parks and Recreation," as the show was still ongoing as Pratt became one of the biggest names in the industry. Now, in the body that originally held back his career, the world is his oyster, and it's popping up everywhere - for better or for worse.

Typing made it hard for Chris Pratt to break into the comedy scene before Parks and Recreation

During the AMA with Chris Pratt, he noted that more opportunities were opening up for him after gaining weight. “They never let me improvise or do comedy [for asshole roles],” he said. "It wasn't until I built a schlubby exterior, which contrasted sharply with my inner confidence, that people gave me room to play."

To be frank, I have some pretty harsh criticisms of Pratt's idea that inner confidence should be a "stark contrast" to a schlubby exterior (which I'll keep to myself for everyone's benefit), but it's no surprise that casting agents were more comfortable with Pratt trying out comedy once he stopped looking like a leading man . Hollywood notoriously has no idea what to do when conventionally attractive actors are so hilarious, mistakenly believing that humor can only be enjoyed if someone is "relatable" or an already established household name.

The cruel irony, of course, is that Pratt only became a superstar after he ditched his Andy Dwyer image and became a burly superhero. They even wrote Andy's new look in an episode of "Parks and Recreation," as the show was still ongoing as Pratt became one of the biggest names in the industry. Now, in the body that originally held back his career, the world is his oyster, and it's popping up everywhere - for better or for worse.

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