US plans to withdraw troops from Niger

A WE. delegation will here THE government of Niger This week with detailed plans For formwork two key American bases And withdraw all troops, civil servants said, as THE Biden administration moves After month of tense negotiations has conform with THE African the nation decision has end A estimated counterterrorism mission.

Senior Defense Department civil servants, including Chris Maier, assistant secretary of defense For special operations And low intensity conflict, And The lieutenant The general. Dagvin Anderson, WHO supervises force development on THE The Pentagon Joint Staff, began talks with Nigerien civil servants Wednesday.

A WE. delegation will here THE government of Niger This week with detailed plans For formwork two key American bases And withdraw all troops, civil servants said, as THE Biden administration moves After month of tense negotiations has conform with THE African the nation decision has end A estimated counterterrorism mission.

Senior Defense Department civil servants, including Chris Maier, assistant secretary of defense For special operations And low intensity conflict, And The lieutenant The general. Dagvin Anderson, WHO supervises force development on THE The Pentagon Joint Staff, began talks with Nigerien civil servants Wednesday.

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