Adelina Peltea of ​​Usercentrics on the emerging trend of privacy-focused marketing

For decades, marketers to have prosperous on A apparently unending provide of user data. Third party cookies, once THE corner stone of target advertisement, are crumbling below growth confidentiality concerns And more strict regulations.

On THE other side, consumers request more control on their information, And technology giants are answer with privacy focused updates. This change present A Golden opportunity has build trust And to forge Deeper relationships with your customers.

If You are wondering how has move towards privacy focused marketing, This East your chance has hear he Since A expert! I had THE pleasure of talk has Adeline Peltéa, Marketing director of User-centered, about her journey Since productivity has confidentiality, how marketers can become more focused on confidentiality, And Why She think confidentiality East A of THE the hottest growth Industries of THE decade.

This interview East part of G2 Professional Projector series. For more content as This, subscribe has G2 Tea, OUR newsletter with SaaS-y news And entertainment.

Warm up questions

What is this your favorite beverage? When TO DO You appreciate that?

I used has live In Asia, SO I developed A appreciation For black tea And Oolong. I as has to try different manners of having them And Since different sources. I appreciate THE feeling of sipping something hot all along THE day.

What was your First of all work?

I used has work For Kantar Millward Brown, A of THE leading agencies For brands, media, And communications. I was on THE qualitative research side, which open My eyes has understanding knowledge And how has apply them has product launches, walk expansion, advertisement essay, etc. He gave Me A Good landing In THE marketing world, And I learned All independently After.

What is this your favorite software In your current technology stack?

I as All that allow collaboration And communication. SO, Nothing Since Miro has Not would be be My favorites. They are simple Again which changes the situation.

What problems has work TO DO You to want has throw your laptop out THE window?

I am said that I bring A calm energy. It is imperative, especially as leaders, has to show your team how has keep A cool head And go through he. He doesn't mean Nothing takes You up Or down Or frustrated You, but You can quickly calibrate. HAS TO DO that, I to have A side of Me in addition My business side, which I balance A plot with meditation. SO I will Never throw THE laptop! I appreciate that there are UPS And down In life, business, And All, but It is about calibration fast And be A calm oasis For people.

Washija Kazim: You to have A extensive background In SaaS And product focused growth, particularly In THE SMEs walk. What was THE key turning indicate that directed You towards privacy focused marketing And User-centered?

Adeline Peltea: If I look has My entire SaaS career, I have has been In he Since THE beginnings of cloud computing has THE entire wave of SaaS software that was hot For more that A decade. I was always on THE productivity side. Each business I was In was replacement E-mail And spreadsheets with A Perfect UX solution dedicated has A specific issue: shapes, inventory management, recruitment software, You name he.

On THE last little years, I witnessed he become A merchandise. There are SO a lot solutions out there. It is SO easy has build them, And there was SO a lot money In THE system, but SO came THE crisis, And THE evaluations abandoned. He obtained Me thought, "Did We surindex on productivity And UX? He was A GOOD decade has to go up, And We all work better because of these tools. But what is this THE future?

Data confidentiality obtained My attention because It is such A fundamental thing. As We build And shape THE the Internet, which East always new In how We share data And how companies to use data, were enter A new level of maturity. Of course, he begin with regulations And protect people rights. But people are Also day before up And realize It is important. They are self-taught, become more aware about what is this event, And more demanding.

It is such A fundamental thing. If We shape This GOOD, We will TO DO THE the Internet A better place. And that obtained Me Really excited. SO It is A Really GOOD industry has be In. It is while going A stage below In THE pyramid, which East A facilitator For a lot things. And, of course, We all as has to have A impact. He resonates with Me And probably with a lot other people.

I call This THE new path of TO DO business, “privacy focused marketing". It is A new approach...

Adelina Peltea of ​​Usercentrics on the emerging trend of privacy-focused marketing

For decades, marketers to have prosperous on A apparently unending provide of user data. Third party cookies, once THE corner stone of target advertisement, are crumbling below growth confidentiality concerns And more strict regulations.

On THE other side, consumers request more control on their information, And technology giants are answer with privacy focused updates. This change present A Golden opportunity has build trust And to forge Deeper relationships with your customers.

If You are wondering how has move towards privacy focused marketing, This East your chance has hear he Since A expert! I had THE pleasure of talk has Adeline Peltéa, Marketing director of User-centered, about her journey Since productivity has confidentiality, how marketers can become more focused on confidentiality, And Why She think confidentiality East A of THE the hottest growth Industries of THE decade.

This interview East part of G2 Professional Projector series. For more content as This, subscribe has G2 Tea, OUR newsletter with SaaS-y news And entertainment.

Warm up questions

What is this your favorite beverage? When TO DO You appreciate that?

I used has live In Asia, SO I developed A appreciation For black tea And Oolong. I as has to try different manners of having them And Since different sources. I appreciate THE feeling of sipping something hot all along THE day.

What was your First of all work?

I used has work For Kantar Millward Brown, A of THE leading agencies For brands, media, And communications. I was on THE qualitative research side, which open My eyes has understanding knowledge And how has apply them has product launches, walk expansion, advertisement essay, etc. He gave Me A Good landing In THE marketing world, And I learned All independently After.

What is this your favorite software In your current technology stack?

I as All that allow collaboration And communication. SO, Nothing Since Miro has Not would be be My favorites. They are simple Again which changes the situation.

What problems has work TO DO You to want has throw your laptop out THE window?

I am said that I bring A calm energy. It is imperative, especially as leaders, has to show your team how has keep A cool head And go through he. He doesn't mean Nothing takes You up Or down Or frustrated You, but You can quickly calibrate. HAS TO DO that, I to have A side of Me in addition My business side, which I balance A plot with meditation. SO I will Never throw THE laptop! I appreciate that there are UPS And down In life, business, And All, but It is about calibration fast And be A calm oasis For people.

Washija Kazim: You to have A extensive background In SaaS And product focused growth, particularly In THE SMEs walk. What was THE key turning indicate that directed You towards privacy focused marketing And User-centered?

Adeline Peltea: If I look has My entire SaaS career, I have has been In he Since THE beginnings of cloud computing has THE entire wave of SaaS software that was hot For more that A decade. I was always on THE productivity side. Each business I was In was replacement E-mail And spreadsheets with A Perfect UX solution dedicated has A specific issue: shapes, inventory management, recruitment software, You name he.

On THE last little years, I witnessed he become A merchandise. There are SO a lot solutions out there. It is SO easy has build them, And there was SO a lot money In THE system, but SO came THE crisis, And THE evaluations abandoned. He obtained Me thought, "Did We surindex on productivity And UX? He was A GOOD decade has to go up, And We all work better because of these tools. But what is this THE future?

Data confidentiality obtained My attention because It is such A fundamental thing. As We build And shape THE the Internet, which East always new In how We share data And how companies to use data, were enter A new level of maturity. Of course, he begin with regulations And protect people rights. But people are Also day before up And realize It is important. They are self-taught, become more aware about what is this event, And more demanding.

It is such A fundamental thing. If We shape This GOOD, We will TO DO THE the Internet A better place. And that obtained Me Really excited. SO It is A Really GOOD industry has be In. It is while going A stage below In THE pyramid, which East A facilitator For a lot things. And, of course, We all as has to have A impact. He resonates with Me And probably with a lot other people.

I call This THE new path of TO DO business, “privacy focused marketing". It is A new approach...

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