Vet's heartbreaking plea after dog tried to follow owner before falling asleep

A veterinarian has shared the heartbreaking moment when a dog tried to follow its owner to the door minutes before being put to sleep - the dog was spent his last moments wondering where his owner went

Nothing can prepare you for the last at review Nothing can prepare you for the last goodbye (

Image: Getty Images)

Although dogs bring so much to our lives, the prospect of having to say goodbye to them one day is enough to deter people from welcoming them into their homes. While most owners stay with their dogs in their final moments, others can't stand to see their furry friend in pain - and don't want to 'tarnish' their last memory of them by staying in the vet's room. while they are put to sleep.

But a vet has shared a heartbreaking message to owners who would rather wait in the hallway than hold their dog's paw as they cross the 'Rainbow Bridge'. Speaking to Reddit, a vet has urged owners to stay in the room while their dog is euthanized after a truly heartbreaking experience left her "in tears for weeks". She said: "I will always try to give thanks and save my judgments about how people are able to deal with grief because everyone is different, but it's depressing to have a dog going through his last days. moments looking for where its owner has gone.

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Vet urges owners to stay with their pets in their latest moments
Vet urges owners to stay with their pets in their final moments (


Getty Images/iStockphoto)

“I feel like this is the very last comfort you can give your friend, just being there by their side to comfort them. We had one recently that hit me hard, I I just wish it had ended differently."

Explaining how the owner walked out into the hallway as their dog took his last breath, she said the poor dog tried to follow his master before his medicine got to him.

She added, "I'm not judging the owner's emotional capacity to grieve and I'm not saying the dog died thinking 'omg I'm dying alone'. I'm not even talking about euthanasia , but moments leading up to it.

"For those of you who say dogs 'just think their owners are out for a while' miss that. Even if that was the case, they're still stressed out.

"This dog we euthanized...

Vet's heartbreaking plea after dog tried to follow owner before falling asleep

A veterinarian has shared the heartbreaking moment when a dog tried to follow its owner to the door minutes before being put to sleep - the dog was spent his last moments wondering where his owner went

Nothing can prepare you for the last at review Nothing can prepare you for the last goodbye (

Image: Getty Images)

Although dogs bring so much to our lives, the prospect of having to say goodbye to them one day is enough to deter people from welcoming them into their homes. While most owners stay with their dogs in their final moments, others can't stand to see their furry friend in pain - and don't want to 'tarnish' their last memory of them by staying in the vet's room. while they are put to sleep.

But a vet has shared a heartbreaking message to owners who would rather wait in the hallway than hold their dog's paw as they cross the 'Rainbow Bridge'. Speaking to Reddit, a vet has urged owners to stay in the room while their dog is euthanized after a truly heartbreaking experience left her "in tears for weeks". She said: "I will always try to give thanks and save my judgments about how people are able to deal with grief because everyone is different, but it's depressing to have a dog going through his last days. moments looking for where its owner has gone.

Sign up for our weekly dose of dog news, photos and stories.

Vet urges owners to stay with their pets in their latest moments
Vet urges owners to stay with their pets in their final moments (


Getty Images/iStockphoto)

“I feel like this is the very last comfort you can give your friend, just being there by their side to comfort them. We had one recently that hit me hard, I I just wish it had ended differently."

Explaining how the owner walked out into the hallway as their dog took his last breath, she said the poor dog tried to follow his master before his medicine got to him.

She added, "I'm not judging the owner's emotional capacity to grieve and I'm not saying the dog died thinking 'omg I'm dying alone'. I'm not even talking about euthanasia , but moments leading up to it.

"For those of you who say dogs 'just think their owners are out for a while' miss that. Even if that was the case, they're still stressed out.

"This dog we euthanized...

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