Vladimir Putin acknowledges failures of illegally annexed Ukraine, calling war 'difficult'

In September, Vladimir Putin annexed four territories - Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhia - in an illegal 15% land grab from Ukraine< /p>

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Putin says situation in annexed part of Ukraine 'extremely difficult'

Vladimir Putin admitted to failing in his mission to secure the illegally annexed regions of Ukraine as he ordered his ruthless security apparatus to search Russia for enemies.

In a grim speech, he ordered counter-intelligence forces to root out "traitors, spies and saboteurs".

Putin has made a rare admission of failure, admitting that he failed to fully control the invaded regions of Ukraine that he now claims are Russian.

He admitted that the security situation in the areas of Ukraine he annexed in September is “extremely difficult” – an acceptance that he has failed to tame those areas.

The despot told his security officers: "The situation in the people's republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, [and] in the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions is extremely difficult.

"But the people who live there, the citizens of Russia, are counting on you, on your protection.

Vladimir Putin s addressed his ruthless security services during a briefing yesterday 3-east2west-news.jpg
Vladimir Putin addressed his ruthless security services during a briefing yesterday

"And it is your duty to do whatever is necessary to maximize their safety, respect for their rights and freedoms.

"For our part, we will continue to reinforce the new units with modern equipment and weapons, as well as experienced personnel."

He spoke amid growing speculation that he would impose another large wave of mobilization in mid-January to forcibly recruit your...

Vladimir Putin acknowledges failures of illegally annexed Ukraine, calling war 'difficult'

In September, Vladimir Putin annexed four territories - Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhia - in an illegal 15% land grab from Ukraine< /p>

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Putin says situation in annexed part of Ukraine 'extremely difficult'

Vladimir Putin admitted to failing in his mission to secure the illegally annexed regions of Ukraine as he ordered his ruthless security apparatus to search Russia for enemies.

In a grim speech, he ordered counter-intelligence forces to root out "traitors, spies and saboteurs".

Putin has made a rare admission of failure, admitting that he failed to fully control the invaded regions of Ukraine that he now claims are Russian.

He admitted that the security situation in the areas of Ukraine he annexed in September is “extremely difficult” – an acceptance that he has failed to tame those areas.

The despot told his security officers: "The situation in the people's republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, [and] in the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions is extremely difficult.

"But the people who live there, the citizens of Russia, are counting on you, on your protection.

Vladimir Putin s addressed his ruthless security services during a briefing yesterday 3-east2west-news.jpg
Vladimir Putin addressed his ruthless security services during a briefing yesterday

"And it is your duty to do whatever is necessary to maximize their safety, respect for their rights and freedoms.

"For our part, we will continue to reinforce the new units with modern equipment and weapons, as well as experienced personnel."

He spoke amid growing speculation that he would impose another large wave of mobilization in mid-January to forcibly recruit your...

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