Voice of the Mirror: 'Rishi Sunak has shown contempt for OAPs and low-income households'

As chancellor, Sunak also broke the Tory triple-lock manifesto promise on state pension increases and cut a reward £20 Universal Credit Weekly to Six Million Families

 As chancellor, Sunak broke the Conservative triple-lock manifesto promise on state pension increases /ALTERNATES/n615/0_UK-Parliament_Jessica-Taylor- 5.jpg As chancellor, Sunak broke the Conservative triple-lock manifesto promise on state pension increases (

Image: UK Parliament

Rishi Sunak has shown a callous disregard for retirees and low-income households by leaving them in limbo as to whether he will cut the raises they are entitled to.

The new prime minister gets off to a bad start by postponing a crucial government financial statement from October 31 to November 17.

This might just be a belated Halloween horror.

His smug claim that he always cared about the vulnerable is understandably met with skepticism.

Rishi Sunak showed cruel contempt for pensioners (


PRU/AFP via Getty Images)

As chancellor he broke the Tory triple-lock manifesto promise on state pension increases and cut a £20 weekly Universal Credit bonus to six million families.

It has no mandate to impose spending cuts on the most needy or to mow down public services.

Unelected and imposed on the nation, here is another prime minister who treats the British people with typical Tory contempt.

proud of them

Voice of the Mirror: 'Rishi Sunak has shown contempt for OAPs and low-income households'

As chancellor, Sunak also broke the Tory triple-lock manifesto promise on state pension increases and cut a reward £20 Universal Credit Weekly to Six Million Families

 As chancellor, Sunak broke the Conservative triple-lock manifesto promise on state pension increases /ALTERNATES/n615/0_UK-Parliament_Jessica-Taylor- 5.jpg As chancellor, Sunak broke the Conservative triple-lock manifesto promise on state pension increases (

Image: UK Parliament

Rishi Sunak has shown a callous disregard for retirees and low-income households by leaving them in limbo as to whether he will cut the raises they are entitled to.

The new prime minister gets off to a bad start by postponing a crucial government financial statement from October 31 to November 17.

This might just be a belated Halloween horror.

His smug claim that he always cared about the vulnerable is understandably met with skepticism.

Rishi Sunak showed cruel contempt for pensioners (


PRU/AFP via Getty Images)

As chancellor he broke the Tory triple-lock manifesto promise on state pension increases and cut a £20 weekly Universal Credit bonus to six million families.

It has no mandate to impose spending cuts on the most needy or to mow down public services.

Unelected and imposed on the nation, here is another prime minister who treats the British people with typical Tory contempt.

proud of them

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