WBTC address poisoner returns almost all funds to victim after negotiations

Blockchain data watch that almost 23,000 ETH was transferred In THE the victim account After negotiations open on Can 10.

WBTC address poisoner returns almost all funds to victim after negotiations News

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THE address poisoning attacker WHO deceived A user In Sending in progress them 1,155 Envelope Bitcoin (wBTC) (value $68 million has THE time) has income almost all of THE funds stolen, blockchain data watch. THE funds had has been exchange For Ether (ETH) during THE time period that they were detained by THE attacker, And THE price of ETH had fallen.

However, THE attacker sent back approximately 22,960.07 ETH, value $65.7 million, which represented on 96% of THE WE dollar value of THE funds t initially stolen.

Address poisoning the victim wallet watch on 22,000 ETH detained In he. Source: Etherscan.

HAS 8:47 a.m. am UTC on Can ten, several wallets began Sending in progress E...

WBTC address poisoner returns almost all funds to victim after negotiations

Blockchain data watch that almost 23,000 ETH was transferred In THE the victim account After negotiations open on Can 10.

WBTC address poisoner returns almost all funds to victim after negotiations News

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THE address poisoning attacker WHO deceived A user In Sending in progress them 1,155 Envelope Bitcoin (wBTC) (value $68 million has THE time) has income almost all of THE funds stolen, blockchain data watch. THE funds had has been exchange For Ether (ETH) during THE time period that they were detained by THE attacker, And THE price of ETH had fallen.

However, THE attacker sent back approximately 22,960.07 ETH, value $65.7 million, which represented on 96% of THE WE dollar value of THE funds t initially stolen.

Address poisoning the victim wallet watch on 22,000 ETH detained In he. Source: Etherscan.

HAS 8:47 a.m. am UTC on Can ten, several wallets began Sending in progress E...

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